
I weaned my 17 month old last sunday.still have pain n engorgement in 1 breast.pls help?

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I weaned my 17 month old last sunday.still have pain n engorgement in 1 breast.pls help?




  1. Get a green cabbage, chill it a bit in the fridge and place a leave over the engorged breast. it should help dry up the milk, if it doesn't work within a day or so I would check with the DR.

  2. In that event it is best to have it checked with your doctor and at the earliest.

  3. Pls go to doctor...Its a best advice...

  4. Soak in a warm tub and try some warm compresses. If no improvement see a doctor.

  5. By pain and engorgement, do you mean your breast still have milk?  I don't know how long it takes for you body to stop producing milk, so if the pain is from that, its relatively normal. HOWEVER, you should call your doctor and ask.

  6. .







  7. it seems that still u r producing lots of milk, try to express the extra milk with the help of breast pump(u can easily get it in chemist store) or u can use ur hands to express extra milk.massaging  it will help. Check ur body temp. u may get fever if u don't throw the extra milk out of ur body, chances of getting an infection r also high. since u have stopped feeding ur child, consult a doctor ,he will give u some medicine to stop the production of milk. meanwhile eat less of rice & sugars as it is common belief that they increase milk production.

  8. I also weaned my 18 month old a few days ago and I have the same problem. Take a shower with hot water. Splashing hot water on the b*****s helps with the engorgement. I feel much better now. Hope you do too.

  9. You could have a a few clogs. Try warming your breast up and massaging it. If that doesn't help call your doctor becuase it could turn in to an infection.  

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