
I wear 'Hijaab' (head scarf) Will this be a problem? ?

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I wear te islamic hijaab and have heard ppl look at you strangely if you do ? is this true?




  1. it really doesn't matter if they do or not.. you be who you are, and ppl shouldn't question your motives over that. I don't like this concept in this world anyway of "normal wear" and the idea of blending in. If you where a Hijaab, then go ahead, and don't worry if people will look or not, and it certainly is not a problem. I don't want to sugar coat it for you, you will get stares and glances, but don't take it hard onto yourself. Its just people who are not accustomed to anything out of the "ordinary". It's nothing personal towards you. It's def not a problem.. so don't worry about it too much. Be who you are, and no one in this world can ask anymore from you regarding that...


  2. Depends on where you are. If you wear the hijab in a summer resort where everyone else is in shorts or bikinis, or if you wear it in a young/hip/fashionable district like Nisantasi in Istanbul, you may get looks. But in most other places you should be fine. There are a lot of Turkish women who wear the hijab.

  3. It won't be a problem. But you can not enter to certain places like military buildings etc.

  4. No. In Turkey you can see a woman with head scarf everywhere and nobody stare them strangely.

  5. Cant say I am a fan of them, but each and all to there own, live and let live.

    But if your coming to Turkey no one will bother you, in fact I find it a strange question. Cant say I like seeing them in UK though a lot of women don't ware them by choice and it saddens me when I see it.

  6. hi,

    why not ?

    You can wear anything and nobodies look at you .

    I hope you have a wonderful journey ...

    BTW welcome to Türkiye

  7. yeah sometimes they do. if u catch people staring at u dont mind them.

  8. If you're in Turkey then I wouldn't have thought it was a problem.

  9. only if you make it a problem i respect your wishes to wear it

  10. yes dear it will be a huge problem.....we turks hate the head scarf...we torture all woman and then hang them or stone them to

    why dont people get some correct information about the country they will visit?what do you think the turks are ? trolll..

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