
I wear contacts and i get that grainy feeling in my eyes sometimes when wearing them, what do i do?

by  |  earlier

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when my eyes start feeling like they're drying up too much, i have to take off my contacts and my eyes hurt badly with a feeling like their are many grains of sand in them and the grainy feeling lasts for several several minutes most of the time. eye drops don't solve the problem...after about 30 minutes to an hour, i can usually put my contacts back in, but sometimes, the problem relapses quickly. anyone know what this can be?




  1. I went to my eye doctor because I had the same thing, like I had hairspray in my eyes. He told me I'm allergic to conacts and the veins squeeze my cornea's. He prescribed drops called Alocril. They burn your eyes for a few seconds, but now I can wear contacts without the pain.

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