
I wear glasses/spectacles but want to go swimming?

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I have significant myopia (-7.0 both eyes) so I can't see that well without my glasses. I want to go swimming at the beaches, so its important to see clearly but obviously I can't go swimming with glasses on.

I used to find vision-corrective swimming goggles that have a vision-corrective prescription but I can't seem to find them here in Melbourne, Australia. Any tips?




  1. I have the same problem.

    Maybe you could go to your local opticians and ask for their advice?

  2. Maybe you should buy some prescription goggles on Ebay and have them shipped to you. Another way would be to ask someone who's travelling to buy them for you from abroad. Also, I'm not sure if this would work, get the big scuba mask (the oval shaped one) and where your goggles or contacts underneath. I never tried this one but who knows, maybe it works.

    Hope I helped :)

  3. i grew up with the same problem.  if you can't wear contacts, then you just need to bring a friend who can swim with you.

    I'm -7.5 in both eyes.  i have contacts that i wear.  since your eyes are a bit better than mine, if you can, i suggest getting contacts.

  4. Ask someone outside the country to get them made for you and fly them over. Or if any of your friends is travelling, ask them. :D

  5. I googled your query, went to the search results and found this.

    Eyeline Australia Pty Ltd · Tel 61 2 9666 3455 · Fax 61 2 9316 9532 · This is Sydney. In Melbourne they have an agent.

    Victoria: Catcus Agencies

    Phone: (03) 9574-7961

    Fax: (03) 9574-7962

    Mob: 0411 722 477

    Click the link it will take you straight to the catalogue page.

    It shows all products as -10 but if you click on down arrow at end of each listing it shows you all corrections available including -7.

    Prices start at $41 +

  6. order online or try Ebay.can you use contacts or can you not use them?

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