
I weigh 260 lbs am i too heavy to ride a horse?

by Guest66429  |  earlier

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I weigh 260 lbs am i too heavy to ride a horse?




  1. only if the horse falls over then mayb u should get up off it    but that wont happen garenteed

  2. Noooooo!  Just make sure you've got a horse who can handle your weight.  

    You're looking at buying a horse who probably weighs about 1,250 LBS or more, has a heavier bone structure.

  3. No your not too heavy to ride a horse.It may hurt the horses back is also preferred that the rider be fit and slim so that they can move around effectively on the horse.I would lose some weight first and then think about riding horses.

  4. hey,

    Been researching this topic lately. Came to these conclusions:

    While the 20 % rule is generally a good one, there are exceptions. Arabians were bred for endurance and have a denser bone so they can carry 30 to 35 % of their weight. However, Arabians are not considered "mature" until around 7-8 years old.

    Also consider how in shape both you and the horse is. Yes it is easier for them to carry a larger peson who has good balance than a slim person who has no muscle tone. Also the horse's muscle tone comes into play. Just like us, they do better if they are in shape.

    Also look at what kind of riding you will be doing. While I weigh as much as you and my horses need to gain a little weight, my vet approved short, easy rides to build them up. If you plan long rides or running or jumping, then look for a bigger horse.

    Make sure the horse has good hooves. A horse with bad hooves cant even carry a 100 lb person without soreness.

    Don't listen to the ones who say don't ride. That was what I did for years and regret that now. I've made my dream come true. Just do your research and be informed.

    Look for a large Arabian, a quarter horse or a draft cross. Just do the math and be smart in your choice of horse.

  5. you know what .. yes i do think that is too big for a rider. i know a girl who weighs 230 and she gave her thoroughbred (who is large and well-built) back problems. honestly, i don't think it is fair to the animal. i mean, how much riding can you actually do at that weight anyway? i'm pretty athletic myself and at times a good ride can be pretty physically challenging. i think in order to be a good rider that there is a kind of athleticism which should be maintained. look at the riders in the olympics; are any of them fat?

  6. To be fair to both you and your horse, I would suggest losing about 50 lbs.

  7. wow some ppl are honestly mean. you didnt ask if you should loose weight you just ask if you could ride a dang horse!

    and like many ppl have said yes you can! a bigger horse can most definately carry you.

    20% is the rule

  8. There is an old US Cavalry rule of thumb that a horse can carry up to 20% of its body weight. So, as long as you get a big enough horse, you are not too heavy to ride a horse.

  9. yes! you're 2 fat! well, not fat, but 2 much overweight. the poor  horse well callopse!

  10. No but there is some things to consider-

    -Riding a draft horse may be best

    -Do not get discourage by stables who refuse you

    -Most stables will have a draft horse or draft cross that is plently big

    -A draft horse does not mean you will be higher off the ground so don't be afraid

    -It is nice to work with professional people, if you are treated poorly because of your weight, even if they accept you it is not the place to ride

    -some draft breeders give lessons

    -As you ride you will loose weight anyway and gain muscle

    happy and safe riding!

  11. Yea...well "yahoo" I'm 140 lb and I ride every d*** day !! My horse is still standing and she is not sway backed, cow hocked, or pigeon toed!!! And YES you can ride if you love it go for it!! You can find a horse that can hold you easy!!! Just dont jump on some small butt arab, or pony!! LOL

  12. Depends on your height, but I would say no and yes. Because not all horses are the same size and some are more muscular than others. I would go with a quarter horse or draft maybe. Idk, just a guess.

  13. i dont mean to sound rude, but if you weigh 260lbs, thats really unhealthy. you may want to consider excersising[sp?] and eating healthy to lose some weight. Not only will you feel better about yourself, but youll have more energy throughout the day and you wont have to worry about being too heavy to ride.

  14. i would say yes and no.

    yes because, to sucessfully ride in an event it might be hard for you and your horse and to win there has to be less obstacles...

    no because there are breeds who are big bonded and can carry alot. so they can carry you.

    it just matters what your riding for i guess. ^^ good luck!

  15. i'm 100lbs and i think that my friend who is 120lbs is way too definitely not, the horses back would be so numb that it wouldn't matter.

  16. ummm ride a draft cross. Alot are fun to ride and can hold alot of weight. There is alot of work involved when riding a horse. Stretch and prepare before jumping may be alot more strenuos if you are not fit. Of course...ultimately have fun!

  17. No.  How much do you think John Wayne weighed?  Knights in armour?  John Candy?  Wayne Newton?  Just get a sturdy horse and Ride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    EDIT....Arabians are known for their superior weight bearing capacity....Wayne Newton breeds Arabians and I guarantee you he rides any of you know who he is?  He is 6' 2" tall and weighs 300 lbs.

  18. no! its fine! as long as its not a pony!

  19. You can ride, just not a young horse that isn't fully grown. A good quarter horse could carry you. It would depend on the specific horse. The rule of thumb is that a horse can carry 20% of its weight.  That would total a 1300 pound horse. I think a well muscled 1100 to 1200 lb quarter horse could handle you.

  20. As most people here said,  no you are not too heavy to ride a horse - just use your good sense (which you have since you thought to check this out before doing it) ..... choose a strong horse.    Pay attention to the horse as you ride; that way if it is getting sore in an area; you will notice and can give it a break and then extra padding in that area when you ride again.

    I just came from a gymkhana where a girl heavier than you rode her quarter horse and placed in the middle of her field in most events - so not only did she ride - but she rode better than some slim cuties did   :)     and gee, if you are out with your horse everyday - you may loose weight & that will only be the icing on the fat-free cake!!!!     So get out there and enjoy and move.

  21. just make sure you're on a horse that can carry you and you should be fine

  22. at my barn there is a 240lb limit... but i'm sure a big enough horse could hold you

  23. your fine as long as the horse is like 16 hands or so just think of it as you carrying a heavy backpack.that considerate of you to ask though.

  24. Good god whats wong with you people?! your fine! just follow the rule of thumb, which means a horse that carry 20% of its body weight! you may even lose weight from riding! its such a great and rewarding sport!

  25. did the horse faint, run, or jump in the pond when you approached??

    YYou're  OK.

  26. Since you aren't asking about purchasing one, I assume you want to rent or take lessons. Most barns I have been to have a weight limit, or ask that you let them know in advance if over a certain weight so they can prepare a larger, stronger horse for you. If you are just going for a short trail ride (rental) be a sweetie and contact the barn and ask them, that way you won't have to wait for them to get out another horse, or have  them turn you down, or God forbid, ask you in front of everybody how much you weigh. Years ago I went to a barn offering trail rides with a rather large girl and was really embarrassed for her when they asked her how much she weighed, and had to go get "Titan" out of the field. I'm no lightweight either, so after that I always called ahead and asked. Anyway, Yes, you can ride if a suitable mount is available. Pay no attention to the bubble-heads that think we are unfit to ride if we don't buy our clothes in the petite section.

  27. No, but I would stay away from the lighter breeds like Arabians and Thoroughbreds- they weren't bred to carry heavy weight.  Get a big quarter horse or draft horse mix and you should be ok.

  28. There is a difference in a 260 lb  person that hangs "this way and that" on their horse, making their horse work far harder than they should, than a person who actually rides and has a balanced seat and doesn't abuse his horse with his/her weight...but that holds true with any horse and can be physically demanding riding your horse and be 120/140 lbs, just because you are all over the horse and not riding balanced...I've competed with some pretty tough people (men and women) in that weight category and because they could ride, they won their share of classes.  There are so many variables to this question that it is difficult to answer, but if I had to say yes or no, I would definitely say no, 260 lbs is NOT too heavy.

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