
I went $2000 in 2 major las vegas strip clubs this weekend ?

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Im addicted to strip clubs. I spent $2000 this weekend at 2 major strip clubs in las vegas. i keep doing this over and over again. I try to stop and end up back there over and over. I dont know what to do . I go there casually not wanting to spend money and one thing leads to another and next thing I know Im in the VIP booting forking over my billfold . They even put a $90 bottle service on my tab and said it comes with the dance and they wouldnt let me leave unless I paid it. i felt suckered. Its financially devestated me. It was all on a credit card. Everytime I walk into the strip club in vegas, the strippers all run to me ...whats going on here..someone help ,




  1. Dude, if your gonna look for fun go to Mexico.  It is cheaper. The most you'll pay for anything is $35 bucks. It is full of americans.

  2. Dude you need a different hobby. If you live in Vegas, you ought to know by now, sharks can smell blood for miles. You need help, big time! Sure they're fun to look at but, you can't afford it! Take it from someone who used to frequent clubs, only take in what you can afford to lose! If you have to, leave the plastic at home.

  3. you'd be better off to get a prostitute off the street it would be cheaper and you can touch.

  4. See a medical doctor. He can refer you to a trained professional that deals with people that are addicted

  5. Look, I use to work in those clubs. LISTEN to me!!!!! Smart women know exactly what they are doing, tricking you in to feeling bad for them or whatever their style is. All of us have a different style. Never ever EVER fall for any of them, even if one or all says that they need money to get out of living with their bf or husband bc he is crazy. They all lie. I don't work at these places anymore cause I always felt so guilty. But a lot of girls or even most don't feel even a little bid bad. Just dont even go to the strip clubs. Dont go gamble either. Dont go to bars or night clubs. They are all a waste of time and money. Go to the book store and get some good books, or a hobby. Or go back to school, or get some training for the future. Sooner or later you will probably have a family or children, it always happens, lol.... So you may as well start thinking of your future. Find a degree or business you can enjoy as WELL as make money, and FOCUS!!!! Strip clubs are for losers, sorry but its the truth!! Oh and if you are lonely get a dog or cat, or make friends with some people at a gym or run club or such. DONT go to bars, you will just get a buzz and not be worth nothing in the morning!

  6. I'm only a level 1 so I can't vote a thumbs up or thumbs down. Just want to say Bridgette R's answer was the best. Very true on how they work there. You are basically tricked with allusions to steal your hard earned cash.

  7. You have what is called and addiction. You better call for help. Do not be ashamed, many people have it and once you realize you do, it is the first step to recovery. Seek help. The money you spend at those places is a waste. Use a fraction of it on medical treatment. You will be a better person and financially be ahead.  

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