
I went clubbing last night and they overcharged me?

by Guest60320  |  earlier

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I went clubbing last night and they overcharged me I paid with my debt card the whole time i remember putting every single receipt into my wallet after i paid for it. Is there anything i can do? I have proof that i only bought a certain amount of drinks.




  1. I would first start off with the manager of the club, tell him what has happened.  You can also contact your bank.  You need to go into the bank with your receipts and explain the the situation, you bank can dispute the transaction.

  2. Query it with the manager if you think it warrants it.

  3. well you don't have proof because how can you prove you didn't throw some of t he receipts out?

    you can kick up a fuss but i think all it will mean is that you can't go back there.... you either have to do it before you paor its likely to come to nothing

  4. I would suggest keeping an open tab in the future and then read the receipt before you cash out with the bartender.  If you constantly use your card throughout the night it is hard to keep track.

    Also the club should have all of the receipts from that night ask to see them and they must all have your signature on them for them to be valid charges.  If they don't have the slips oyou can dispute it with the bank.

  5. If you want your money..i suggest you go talk to somebody. And bring your proof with you

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