
I went for a ultrasound at week 9?

by  |  earlier

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the doctor said there is no heart beat and the baby is 8 weeks only he asks for a D&C




  1. aw thats horrible, im sorry to hear that. you do have the option to let it miscarry on its own

    good luck

  2. I am so sorry for your pain.  I went through this with my second pregnancy; at 11 weeks they discovered that the baby was only 9 weeks and had passed, so I had to have a D&C.  It would be best for you if you did; so that they can ensure that everything that needs to come out is removed, and you have no complications for future pregnancies.  You will be in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time; my heart goes out to you.

  3. aw I'm so sorry that just happen to me 5 weeks ago. I didn't get a d&c. It passed yesterday so i think it will pass if you wait but its up to you. You wont get a infection unless the sack bust inside of you or there is something left inside of you which the sack can bust in a d&c. They make sure after you pass it there is nothing left. Its better to go natural cause they say you can get a pelvic infection. What you have is a missed miscarriage.Its very rare.its when the embryo of fetus dies but continues to stay in the uterus. the only signs of a missed miscarriage are the loss of all pregnancy symptoms, and less commonly, a brownish discharge, confirmation of the miscarriage occurs when an ultrasound shows no fetal heartbeat. Which I'm sure the doctor explained to you. Hope all goes well and don't be scared like me to try again.

  4. Aww... I'm so sorry for you!  

    It sounds like you've had a missed miscarriage...

    I know it's horrible to go through, but try to remember that almost 50% of women have at least one miscarriage in their lives, and most of those go on to have great pregnancies after.  Also remember that there's nothing you did to cause the miscarriage, and nothing you could have done would have prevented it.

  5. im sorry you have to go thru this

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