
I went online and discovered I received 4,731 in a Pell Grant, but will I get more?

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I saw I recived the Pell grant, but my question is will and can I get more. It also lists my estimated costs with living tuition, etc almost 11,000. Does that mean I can get more or that I already will get more? What do I do next?




  1. That's the largest Pell grant so you definitely qualify for a subsidized student loan which would be $3500 if you are a freshman. You will also qualify for work study, but the amount will depend on your school and should be about $2000.

    After that it's totally up to the school. You may get a second subsidized loan and you may get a grant, money you don't have to pay back. They should have told you all this when the accepted you so that you could decide if you could afford it. Many people don';t get the money the need to go to a school, there is no guarantee. Usually they will offer your parent a Parent Plus loan for the amount of need they don't meet.

    Call the financial aid office at your school and ask what your whole package is.

  2. Did you look online to see how much Pell Grant you are eligible for based on your EFC, or did the college you want to attend tell you this?

    Each individual college is responsible for offering people a financial aid package, and this can be different from college to college.  They look at your FAFSA, and sometimes you have to fill out an additional application, and then they'll make an offer.

    If you qualify for Pell Grants, you will also probably qualify for subsidized Stafford Loans, Perkins Loans and work study, but the only way to know is to talk to the financial aid staff at your chosen college.

  3. No, I'm sorry you won't get more this year...and further, that amount MAY be divided between 2 semesters unless it specifies it's per semester.  

    The grant will be paid directly to your college.  After your tuition and fees have been paid the college will refund the remainder to you each semester.  

    You can apply for fafsa loans if you need more $$.  Those are government loans that you do not have to pay back until you are out of college for 6 months.  They are usually low interest and they give you a long time to pay them off.

    Call the financial aid dept. at your college..they will know how to help you.

    Good luck!!

  4. If you are logged on and looking at your personalized award letter and nothing else is listed, then it is unlikely you are being offered anything else.  On the fafsa it asked if you were interested in student loans or work study.  If you say NO then they usually don't offer them to you.

    If 4731 won't pay your tuition bill then you can opt to take out a loan or do work study.  I have a tendency to think you applied very late and therefore aren't being offered other forms of grants you were likely eligible for because you missed the deadline like state grants and FSEOG.

    Contact the school to know for sure.

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