
I went to Egypt and saw lots of people dating..?

by  |  earlier

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What's up with that? I thought its supposed to be a Muslim country.

Even in the UK, I haven't seen so many couples all dating in one place at the same time.

The girls that were dating were hijabis as well!

Lol, I'm just asking. Please don't have a go at me, I'm not a Wahhabi!





  1. there are good and bad every where and everyone acts the way they are raised.

  2. Some Muslim countries are more liberal than others, even, in some cases, to the extent that the country isn't even governed by "Sharia" (religious) law at all. Although Egypt does have Sharia law, interpretations of Sharia differ by country, and so Egypt happens to be one of the more liberal ones, although Egypt is nowhere near as liberal as, say, Lebanon or Turkey (the latter of which doesn't have Sharia, and most girls there don't cover up).

    I've never been to Egypt, before, but as a Muslim myself (albeit a very liberal one, and not an Arab, either), I do have more of an insight into the Islamic world than the average Joe, and I do know that dating common in some Muslim countries, even Iran, which is actually (religiously speaking) a very strict country. These tend to be very secret, though, and as another answerer said, boys and girls tend to meet each other in places like libraries and (disgustingly enough) toilets, where there's less control on boys and girls meeting each other as opposed to, say, schools.

    So yeah, I hope I've explained it to you well enough. People date in the Muslim world, too :-).

  3. i agree with adnan and SARA...u think coming to a muslim country that u will see niqabis and hijabis everywhere and men with long beards and no girl is talking to any man?

    there are good and bad everywhere...i am not being patriotic because i know we aren't the best muslims but if u think Egypt is bad,then u may recalculate things before u go to another muslim country :P

  4. Asker: Why should the world do everything according to how you want it to be done?

    I am a Atheist and I discourage all religions but do you ever see me saying why is their a Mosque on every street corner?

    Asker: Fair enough.

    Asker: Piece of advice do not be to concerned of how others handle theirs lives. Focus on your own. Think about the time you had at Egypt and how you could have explored the country more rather monitor Muslims' behavior.

  5. How do you know they were dating? Did you ask them? They could be dating, they could be engaged or married, and they could be just friends or even brothers and sisters.

    Anyway, Egypt may be a majority Muslim country but that does not mean all Muslims adhere to Islam; do you know any Christians that don't go to church and divorce their wives? That would be the same thing.

  6. Im sure that this is happening in every islamic country,thats just how it is.You will get true honest muslims there but also muslims that are bending the rules and are not really muslim if they are behaving like this.

    Your were expecting too much,worry about your own behaviour,they only have one person to answer to,so leave them to it.

  7. There are good and bad wherever you go.

  8. people date in every country, muslim countries are no different.

    did you think muslims lived in caves or something

  9. I don't know.  I will ask them when I go there.


    Above me, they meet up in toilets?  Eww.

  10. I don't know about egypt but i do know that in the Uk, there is a lot of dating these people are mostly there teenagers and their hormones are on the go, also most muslim teenagers here can't even explain to their peers what their faith is and what exactly they believe in so how would you expect them to not date. Parents need to give their children an islamic education as well as education in skool. I'm sure if parents did give their children all the right knowledge and also people need to take sitautions into their own hands...know rite from wrong then they would rather wait till marrigae.

  11. ok lol i just gotta say that most eygptians are *ahem* sunni

    btw i dont mean anything in saying that (^.^)  

  12. What do you mean: "Even in the UK, I haven't seen so many couples all dating in one place at the same time". What exactly is dating in your book and how do you know this is what they were doing? Here in the UK girls and boys will get together and go out in the evening. Some have dinner, go to see a film, have coffee, a drink, go to a pub, a concert, etc etc, some are dating, some cousins, brtothers and sisters, whatever. All over the world, the gulf states particularly, this is normal behaviour. Most people do not need to be segregated from the opposite s*x to remain decent. In Egypt and the Arab countries wearing hijab is not an indication of religious conviction, it is a cultural thing and in Egypt is is worn as some kind of anti-western badge of honour. Even in Iran you will find boys and girls out together in the evening. It is a very Wahabi attitude to separate the sexes.

  13. taqwa is in the hearts not in the land.

    There were munafiqoon in Medina during the Prophet (sallAllahu alayhi wasalam) time. Also people who committed zina

    While one of the most pious women was in the house of Firawn

  14. Well, you know...

    My Egyptian friend asked me out on a date.  I think it's just up to the person really. Sure, he's Muslim and practices but he's definitely not strict in any circumstance.

  15. we had guests over from Saudi Arabia

    yesterday, and the girl was talking

    about the lifestyle there, and she said alot

    of people date, even tho in school boys n

    girls r seperated...they try and meet in

    libraries and toilets n stuff...i was kinda

    shocked by this aswell.

    hope u had fun =)

  16. I am egyptian and yes there are a lot of couples (boyfriend- girlfriend) and you know it bothers me sooooo much !!! they don't make-out or even kiss but it's just having a girl 2 show off 2 your friends or the other way around!!! its a shame... its because of media ...

  17. There will always be good and bad muslims. I know a lot of my Egyptian brothers and sisters are good Muslims and there are some that are bad. Not only Egypt...but any country that has Muslims you will find good and bad.

  18. your are absolutely right .

    it's not just in Egypt , but many muslims countries as well.

    anyway these kind of acts wont hurt Islam , people act upon their free will and the way they had been raised .

    it's sad but true , that's why the family have a very important role in Islam , starting from choosing the wife / husband , raising the children in the right way and so on.  

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