
I went to and got a score of 136, is this test accurate?

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the site says 115 - 129 is above average, and 130 - 144 is gifted (2.3 % of test takers) out of 5.42 million people who have taken this test. I put a lot of thought into each question and only answered when I was sure of my answer. Other things I looked at were

'The Standard Deviation of our test is currently 14.889"


"The mean score is currently 108.447"

and I'm 18

BUT, I got horrible grades in school

How many of you have taken this test and can say it is accurate?

Do you think I may have not gotten the right score?




  1. First, I don't think it's very accurate. They purposefully make the test easy in order to draw in business. They would not get business if people did poorly on the IQ. It's there business strategy.

    Second, look into the history of the IQ test. In all reality, if you are a person who is against oppression, you should not take an IQ nor care about what your IQ score. IQ was created as a way of legitimizing the rule of a certain kind of people. It does not necessarily have anything to do with real intelligence.

  2. If You've Received Horrible Grades In School, I Don't Think It Was Very Accurate.

  3. I don't think so.

  4. No, it is not.  I'm sorry if that's the one you have to pay to get a score.  NO online IQ test is considered accurate or official - those have to be taken in person, proctored.  Online tests can be written by anyone who can claim anything about their credentials, tend to give inflated scores, and none of them agree with each other on the score.  I've taken most of them for fun, and my score has changed more than 60 points from one to another!

    I'm not saying you have a low IQ, I'm just saying that no online test is qualified to judge your IQ.  If you're really interested, take a real test - or not, since it really doesn't matter at all to your life.  Motivation will get you much further.

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