
I went to McDonald's and they were so RUDE to me!

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I went through the drive thru and asked for a kids meal nuggets with apples instead of fries and an extra bag of apples.

I get to the window where i get my food and the girl is in a pissy mood, i ordered a extra cup of water, i said thanks when i was handed it. She asked me what sauce. I said the carmel sauce. Shes said with aattitude"No, i mean what sauce for the nuggets" I say none. Then i get my food and its missing the extra apples. I tell her and she sighs with attitude and goes get it. Then she slings her arm out the window holding my food....she doesn't look at me or apologize!!! So i snatch my food from her and drive off. She slams the window shut. THEN i find im missing the extra carmel sauce!!!

Should i call them and talk to the manager? How should i say what happened




  1. I would let it don't know what her day had been like. I'm not condoning her being rude but something may have happened and she brought her personal life to work. It happens, be the bigger person and let it go.

  2. She was rude.  Fast food joints may be the low man on the restaurant totem pole, and it's understandable that someone who earns minimum wage and gets yelled at all day and goes home smelling like fries would be cranky... but basic courtesy is required of all customer service representatives.  

    Yes, complain to the manager - express it as concern that his employees are not delivering appropriate service, not as your personal displeasure.

  3. Bro relax, i suggust listening to some ali farka toure on for free that will make everything cool

  4. Your mistake was in going to a McDonald's.

  5. Haha, I used to work at McDonalds...Though our store was always very polite to customers due to our managers there. Yeah, if you really feel mistreated, talk to the managers there and tell them your situation. It would be better if you knew the girls name although they have it on schedule anyway. They might even offer you free stuff for apology if you seem reasonable.

  6. That is normal there.

  7. yes...

    surprised they even spoke english

  8. Uh.yeah.Even better if you do it in person.Make sure to tell them her name or describe what she looks like.Just tell them what happened.The sooner the better.

  9. yes :)

    thats bad service

    she isnt working for free

    You should never do that to a paying customer

    report her before she does that to other customers

    and get her assss fired!! shes working for a big company

    I worked doing waitress and never once did i treat a customer like that... usually if you are nice to everyone they are nice to you..only occasionally do you get someone who is being a jerkkk and too bad for her if she works at mcdonalds..shoulda finished high school..usually mental people work at mccdonalds so she might have mental problems

  10. Yeah you should call and complain. Even though most employees act like that at fast food places, they shouldn't get away with it. It really doesn't take much to be polite yet they all act like it's a huge effort. I agree with you on how rude they are and it's not right. At least your complaint will make them a little more aware that people are bothered by this.  

  11. Get her fired, if she did that in any other job shed get fired, why should this be any different?

  12. The best thing to do is to talk to the manager.

    There are 2 McDo's near my house. At one of them, they used to be rude or to forget some parts of my order.

    But, everytime, talking to the manager resolved everything. Usually, we would get free turnovers or something like that.

  13. It's McDonalds... what do you expect?  You can complain if you want, but I doubt they'll do much.  It's not like they hire anyone with people skill there.  They have no reason to.  You're going to see them for about 3 minutes and then never see them again.

  14. By all means talk to the Manager, but let him / her know that you intend to talk to corporate too.  Ask for Corporates number.  They have to give it to you.    If they try to side step you go to a different Mc Donald's and ask for the corporate number.  

    That kind of behavior is uncalled for and needs to be dealt with in a prompt manner.

  15. That sounds like a concentration camp. Two ways to see this situation: you can feel sorry for the people that work there and sigh at the unknown situation each employee is going through (single mother, not making enough, child at home, 80 hour a week schedule, etc), or you can can say to yourself that if they are there is because of the choices they made, and that should be no excuse for them to act the way they did with you.

    If you do call the manager, just explain the situation to them, give them the name of the employee, and that should take care of itself. If you choose not to call the manager, very likely you won't go back to that McDonalds. Keep this in mind though, if that employee acted out the way she did, chances are she will act that way again, and eventually, she will get a warning, before she gets fired if she does not change her behavior. Have a good one.

  16. yes

  17. I would go back and point the girl out to the manager. Haha! This happened to me at Taco Bell and I got the chick fired!!

  18. Yes, tell the manager.  You may work at McDonald's, but you don't have to be mean to everyone.

  19. Let it go.  If I had to work at McDonald's, I'd be in a pissy mood, too.

  20. YES

    how rude!

  21. Go back. Complain. Tell them you demand they do your whole order over because you were missing apples and the extra nuggets (even though you didn't order it). They have to give you whatever you demand because most likely they won't want a big fuss over nothing.

    This one day a McDonalds worker was really mean to me and she didn't even give us the right order. I went back and told them I was missing 3 double cheeseburgers and a thing of fries and guess what, the manager gave me all the food I was missing with no fuss.

    I used to be a cashier at Wal-Mart and even on my worst day I wouldn't throw things at people. Although this one day this woman came in demanding pastage stamps from me and when I told her we didn't sell them (which we didn't) she went up in arms and told me that yes they did. I got rude to her and I'm sure she reported me, but nothing came of it.

  22. Yes - call the manager and complain.

    It is amazing how rude Americans are!  I am an American, but I travel all over the world, and nowhere else do I see people treated this way.  Airlines, fast food, rental cars, stores, etc.  I see everyone treated with total respect in China, Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan, Indonesia, and all over Europe!  Americans suck when it comes to dealing with people!

  23. yeah call and report her, she could get fired... and also if you ever go to any mcdonalds, if they dont say "have a nice day" then you get a free apple pie :)

  24. Report it to the managar. Otherwise this girl never learns about proper etiquete towards clients. This is not normal behaviour. Just because it occurs often on average doesn't mean it's therefor right. It is wrong and should be corrected.

    In the netherlands we have a motto in business: In business, the client is to be treated as a king. (dutch: De klant is koning - the client is king).

  25. You order a death meal from an undereducated teenager who's prospects in life are to get pregos and marry poorly into crushing poverty or work until she bleeds from every pore in her body (enjoy the meal) to rise to the level of shift manager in 30 years and get her a decent $9.50 an hour.

    Her life sucks, I am sure she's had a bad day, any day working at McD's is a bad day IMHO.  I wouldnt make her life any worse.  After all YOU have a car and the money to afford extra apples.  Live and let live?  

  26. Your situation is probably the reason why my husband hates drive through windows. He always makes us go inside the restaurant to order our food to go.

    If this situation really got to you, you can call or go in person to speak with the manager. You can also avoid that restaurant all together and speak with the corporate offices.

  27. You ought to march your a** to that phone right now and call up that manager! That is unacceptable behaviour from that girl. I cannot believe she's actually allowed to work with that type of attitude.

    You tell the manager exactly what happened and every detail. Do you happen to know her name or any details about her that the manager might recognize? Was it only that girl that was rude to you? Report her and have that manager talk to her. She should know not to bring her own problems into work especially when it's a job where she's working with people.

    If it's possible, you should talk the Manager at the McDonalds location you went to.  

  28. I would at least try to call, but we live in a small town  and even the McDonalds here has an answering machine!, instead of a real person answering.  Even though you may think "it's only fast food" the customer, a happy customer, is what keeps their doors open and most managers do want to know such things.  

  29. You should stop eating at McDonalds.

    It's unhealthy even for fast food.

  30. Dude, 1000 calories in a hamburger?

    You shouldn't be eating at McDonalds and you def shouldn't be feeding your family's poison

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