
I went to Thailand and got a string around my wrist from a monk, its all discolored now, when should i dispose

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I went to Thailand and got a string around my wrist from a monk, its all discolored now, when should i dispose of it?




  1. If you are not buddish..then you don't need it. IT's a believes for luck.

    So if it irritated you just cut it off:)

  2. anytime you want to! there is no magic in it.  

  3. Cut it off and throw it away.  I believe from what Thais have told me your suppose to discard it after three or four days.  But again you can wear it as long as you like.

  4. Well I'm Cambodian so i had 1 of those string that give me good luck and make me healthy and yes there is magic in it.I wore it for 1 year.Um... u need more info, how long have u got it?And to me i will take it off, but i would keep it somewhere cause u cant get those everyday mostly u can get it 3 or less time in your life.Some people don't even get any at all. U maybe took a shower in it that's all.

  5. Three days

  6. I've heard three days myself, also if you really believe in the power of the string don't cut the string with a sharp object, untie it to release the spirits that protect you, if you cut it you sever and destroy the spirit, not a good omen. You can wear it as long as you want though, I know someone here who has worn his string for years and he's still a jerk.

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