
I went to a Chinese herbalist yesterday....?

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He took my pulse on both arms and hit the nail on the head describing the symptoms i have been having. he analyzed some things on paper and then told me to drink an herbal tea he was going to concoct that would take 2 hrs to make. i have to drink the tea twice per day, for 10 days

i did my own research and basically the tea is a kidney cleaser...but it is VERY BITTER to drink!

Can someone tell me about the "bitter herbs"? I want to know more about them.





  1. Bitter herbs are used to cleanse your liver and rid your body of toxins. Some of them are also diuretics.

    If you really find the taste terrible, you can ask your herbalist if you can put something like honey or stevia in to sweeten the tea a bit.

  2. You my dear are a very smart man.  I have gone to a Chinese Herbalist for years.  I have many health problems which do require an MD but my Sister is one and gave me a book on Chinese Herbal Medicine and I got hooked.  I use teas and also take capsules that my herbalist makes for me.  I was actually able to "do away" over 3/4 of all of my pain medication that I was taking before.  I also use acupuncture and cupping.

    Bitter Herbs work through your kidneys to cleanse them in a natural way to get the toxicity out of them.  It may be very bitter, but very good for you.  I would deal with the bitter because of the good it is doing for you.

    Check out these two books ~ Traditional Chinese Medicine by Shelia McNamara and Asian Health Secrets (The Complete Guide to Asian Herbal Medicine) by Letha Hadady, D. Ac.  I bought both books as I found them very handy and practical, especially the second one.

    Peace & Love  :)

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