
I went to clean out my ears today, and the q-tip had a blue/green gunk on it. What is this?

by  |  earlier

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I went swimming in my pool a couple of days ago when it was super-clear. And then two days later it had algae growth in it. And now I've got blue and green gunk in my ears... Should I be worried. Please I would like this answered. I'm only 15, so I've alright got these horrible thoughts running to my head.




  1. If I had blue and green gunk coming out of my ears, I would be worried too, unless of course you are sticking something in your ear besides q-tips, which you shouldn't be sticking in your ear either.  Better go see a dr.

  2. Awh sorry to hear that -- the best answer I've got is to not irritate it and see a doctor to get it looked at.

  3. Think it might be from your shampoo/conditioner? They usually sneak in ears when you take a shower!

  4. Have you been to Ceti Alpha V, you might have a ceti eel lodged in your ear. they secrete blue/green waste product.


  5. yes seek medical attention immeadiately

  6. your brain is leaking out of your ears.. .. its probably just swimmers ear..

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