
I went to go get my ultrasound and the doctor said that it was a girl but was 40% sure see detials?

by  |  earlier

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he wasn't exactly sure and i'm 20 weeks pregnant also i need names for a girl but maybe a few boy names. also i'm pregnant and i have no husband except for my boyfriend and he's the father of the baby but do you think we should get marred before the baby comes or should we get married after the baby's born.






  1. I would not believe what the Dr. said yet!  I would either get another opinion...but insurance may not pay for it.  As for marriage...that is your opinion...are you in love with this guy?!  Is he the one that you want to marry?!  If you arent really sure than I would wait because having a baby is a big strain on an unsteady relationship...even my husband and I thought it was a hard transition and we have been together for 7 years.  If it is true love and you stay together after having the baby then I would say definitely tie the knot!!  GOOD LUCK!

    Girl names...







    Caylee (I love this name)

    Boys name......

    Bryce (my sons name)









  2. I had an ultrasound done and the tech said 55% sure its a girl and at my next ultrasound they found out it was a BOY so I wouldnt depend on it being for sure yet... And as for getting married before the baby comes.. thats a very personal decision that only you can make.  If he is a good father and boyfriend and wants to spend the rest of his life with you guys then yes, if there are issues that may not be the best for the baby, think hard about it....

  3. Perhaps you can get another ultrasound to determine the s*x? Look towards the schools that have ultrasound tech (Diagnostic medical Sonography) and they usually offer free ultrasound exams for the students to practice (That is if your doctor will not give you another one)

    As far as getting married, do what will be best for your child. You do not state your age, but if you are using your parents insurance- then do not get married until after the baby is born, because you will not be covered on your bf's insurance plan because you are already pregnant. If you are on medicaid, then make sure that you can keep it if you added your bf's income to your income. If you have your own insurance through your own job, then there are no issues in this matter. The health of your unborn child precedes the morals involved. (Having a kid without being married.) There is no reason to go into debt for child bearing bills if you already have coverage.

    If insurance is not the issue, and you do not want a glamorous wedding, then go ahead and get married now. It will save you trouble in regards to the birth certificate process. But if you will lose coverage, then wait until after you have the baby. Or if you want a super skinny dress or something, then you might want to wait. If you aren't married when you have the baby, he will have to sign a paternity affidavit and you will have to wait 6 months to get the real hard copy of the birth certificate (that is in my state, might be different for your state) that is compared to being married where you can get it as soon as the paperwork is ready.

  4. If they said only 40% sure then I wouldn't count on it being a girl. It is hard for them to get a clear shot of the right parts or lack of parts, so they are never going to say 100% certain either way. The girls names I like are Autumn, Myra, Sophia, Aubrey, Tierney, Lila, and Victoria. The boy names I like are Kaden, Asher, Ethan, and Evan. The boyfriend situation is a hard one. Do you love this guy? Are you going to be able to raise a baby together and spend the rest of your life together? I think those are important questions to ask yourself first. If you got married before the baby was born, there is always that chance that when it grows up it may think you only married because of they came along. But if you guys love each other and are committed to each other then I say yeah, you should definitely try to get married before. Either way what is important is that the baby has a mom and dad who love them.  

  5. i agree with jenifer1, she sounds just about right!! i gave her thumbs up!! best of luck and congrats!!xxxx

  6. You cant be 20 weeks cause you are due the 1st of

    May .??????

    Are you sure you are due then cause if you are you would only be 4 WEEKS pregnant today being the 27th of August.

    I am 17 weeks pregnant and i am due the 4th of Feb.

    I am due before you.

  7. On the baby- either see about getting a second ultrasound or just buy generic (yellows and greens) until the baby comes. But as for getting married, it might actually be better to wait. A baby changes everything!! And sometimes it will work out and sometimes it won't but it is a LOT easier to break up with a boyfriend than it is to go through a divorce. However, as someone already said, that is a personal choice that only you can make.

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