
I went to my daughter's dance recital today and it sucked. Should I ask for my two bucks back?

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I went to my daughter's dance recital today and it sucked. Should I ask for my two bucks back?




  1. Are you for real? If your daughter was in it then "she probably did an swesome job, didn't she"  If you didnt like the program talk with the instructor...but NOT in the presence of your daughter... Its not getting up on that stage

  2. you better be kidding

  3. i'm assuming you you went because you love her, and don't tell her it sucked and don't ask for yout two dollars back --dude are you kidding me?

  4. Quit playing no u do not ask for your money.. and dont tell your daughter it sucked either ... be an adult and support your daughters activities no matter how bad they are..

  5. Are you joking?

    You best get ready for it.  They are all going to suck.  Preschool through grade school at least.  They are little children.  The money goes to benefit the school/dance school anyhow so let them have their two dollars.  I mean, i bet your daughter had fun anyway.

  6. It's only two bucks, you can probably make that much money by the time you spent asking this question and possibly reading all our answers.

  7. It's not about whether you thought it was good or not it's about supporting your daughter and praising her for doing something she enjoys that is good for her.

    This isn't about you or money... and it's only $2.

  8. yes u should since it sucked yes u should also its better 2 tell the truth then lie

  9. Well it too late for asking ur bucks back cuz u alreay get in so...

  10. consider it money well got to see your daughter having fun and learning to be in a group .....your support of your daughter is the most important issue and not the $$....

  11. I hope you are joking. However, if you really feel the program was so bad I hope you didn't let your daughter know how you felt. Instead, do some research and consider putting her in another dance class next year. Most important of all..........make sure you let your daughter know that she did a great job and that you are very proud of her!

  12. Get a life.

  13. I really hope your kidding

  14. You can't get your $2 back, but you can find a new dance school for her if you're unhappy with the one she's currently enrolled. Does she enjoy dance?  Maybe she'd like gymnastics or Karate better.  Just a thought

  15. Uh....NO! What would you tell your daughter if she asked you why you wanted your money back? That would be really rude. Support your child, no matter how bad she and her peers are at something.

  16. umm YEAH!

    get your two bucks AND have them PAY you for watching the recital!!

    time is $$$!!


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