
I went to my son's IEP meeting today(he is 9) and they want to implement "supervised" bathroom breaks for him

by Guest62309  |  earlier

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What do you think of this? It bugged me alot




  1. You did not say why they are recommending supervised bathroom visits, but keep in mind that the IEP is a legal document and if anything happens to your child during these supervised visits you have legal rights.

    Find out why and who will give these supervised visits.

  2. For them to want to write this into his IEP there has to be a pretty good reason.  Like others have said it is either to make sure he is going, make sure he isn't playing around, make sure he isn't harassing others, or make sure others aren't harassing him.  I would hope that this wasn't the first time that you have heard of bathroom issue at school, as it must be quite an issue for the school to want to send someone in to is so much easier to send them in by themselves.  If you do not agree with the school's solution, what would be your solution.  IEP meetings aren't dictated by the school, you should give your input.  As a teacher, I am always willing to try out a different solution on a trial basis and then amend the IEP if needed.

  3. it could be that other children are saying that he is doing things in the bathroom he shouldn't.  if enough of his peers complain then i can see them recommending the supervision just to make sure he and them are ok...

  4. What's an IEP?

  5. obviously they have witnessed problems and want to protect him and other children as well as teach him his daily living skill . How is he at home? maybe he has stress around other children and would do fine in the restroom all alone. It is worth the try to see. It is not uncommon for kids to have supervised restroom breaks

  6. If he has accidents at school, how will supervised bathroom breaks help.  My son has down syndrome he has never required supervised bathroom breaks, I would never agree to this.  How do you then him about privacy, keep him from being sexually assaulted he needs to fully understand no one has the right to watch him in the restroom.

  7. It probably means that a man will stand at the sinks while he is in the stall.  It may be to monitor his interactions with his peers, to make sure he uses the bathroom, to make sure he does not cause a sanitation problem in the bathroom.  To go to this length to put it in the IEP, your son has been the target of bad behavior or is behaving badly himself.   In addition to supporting the surpervision, I'd address the cause of his concerns.  I'm guessing you've chosen not to medicate, based on the problem at hand.

  8. You need to go about this the legal way.

    According to special ed law IDEA, whenever a school starts, stops, changes or refuses something for a child, they have to give the parent their LEGAL reasons in writing called 'prior written notice'.

    If this is not right to you, write a letter to the district sped director stating you do not agree with this and they can NOT do it. And in the letter state you are requesting 'prior written notice' for wanting to do this.

    Lots of times asking for prior written notice stops them in their tracks because they don't have LEGAL reasons for the things they do.

  9. If you want to know the answer just ask them straight up. We could go on and on as to "why" but we do not know your child's history. If you disagree, call another IEP meeting, and also get an advocate involved with the state board of education to be act on your behalf if needed.  A meeting would ensure that you and the IEP team are all on the same page, as to providing services to the little one in the least restrictive environment.

  10. It could be that they are worried about

    A- other children bothering him

    B- him harming himself

    C- him harming others

    D- others harming or molesting him.

    Ask their reason.  They'll explain it.  They need to keep parents involved in the process.  Don't be intimidated. ASK.

  11. It would depend an awful lot on their reasoning behind it. I don't suppose he was randomly picked for this?

  12. I would have wanted to know why this was necessary and I probably would have objected to it if they didn't come up with a darn good reason.

  13. Where are you coming from ? has your son got problems ?

    May be if you do not know the answers to these questions, you need to find out.

    Remember the school is doing this for a reason, and if you think that reason is not good enough, than communicate with the teachers again and work it out.

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