
I went to subway today and bought a subsandwich. i cut my finger opening my sub.?

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When i went to slide the carry bag off of the sub, i cut my finger. When i opened the sandwich wrapper, there was a knife in my sandwich!!!!! Can i sue. Who do i call?




  1. There was...

    A knife...

    In your subway?

    Submit a customer service form?

  2. If I had a knife in my sandwich, I would go running to an attorney.

    Your Friend Ruth B

  3. My sister worked at Subway a couple of years ago and did the same thing to a customer on accident. He was really nice about it though. He kinda just laughed it off. Anyway, yeah I'm sure you could sue. You probably have a really strong case

  4. i don't know who u shud call but u must sue my friend.....

  5. yes you may sue for damages.  However, you better hope that the damages are enough to justify the court costs, lawyer fees, etc. Otherwise, talk to the management and, perhaps, work out a deal locally with that particular store.  Maybe free sandwiches for the next year are in order????

  6. youd need to prove it's subway's knife or they'll just say you put it in yourself

  7. YES!!!!

    totally sue...

    get a good lawyer you need to call

    a LAWYER!!!!!!

  8. dont be an idiot Sue the subway.the city and whoever has they name on the wrapper.come on now and give me a cut when u get ur thousands ok?

  9. You could sue, first take pictures of everything (the sandwich, knife, your finger etc.) and keep your receipt. But, the decent thing would be to first go to the Subway, ask to speak to the manager, and explain what transpired. He will probably be very sorry and try to compensate you. Suing is a very unpleasant process for all parties. If the manager isn't satisfyingly helpful and you still feel the need, you get a lawyer, explain, and go from there.

  10. unless you gotta few stitches in your finger or its missing i'd say no.go slip on a floor!

  11. the Manager and report it

  12. dude u should have taken a picture or somthing, go see a lawer to see if u can sue

  13. WTF, yes you can sue, but for a cut? youll get like 2 dollars. Unless you get aids from it or something....

  14. Our court system is already overwrought with FRIVOLOUS lawsuits like this one...jeepers almighty, put a band-aid on it and be done with it...


  15. Obviously you would sue those b******s for having a knife in a sub!! (am not gona hav subway ever again).....did you complain to them?? what did they say??

  16. Funny thing about people making sandwiches, unless you tell them to hold something, they put everything in it. I took my sister to a local deli when she was 7 year old. They put jalapenos on a child's sandwich. They didn't ask if we wanted them or mention that they come with "every" sandwich. They just put them on there.

    That includes the kitchen sink and all dishes inside.

    I'd start by calling the manager. Did you report the incident to them at the counter? Did you return the knife or did you keep it? I would have kept it for evidence. It had their finger prints on it. Good luck!

  17. well u could of  but know u have2 prove it    u need proof

  18. alot of times you wont even make it to court.did u cut your finger off?did u need stitches ?if not than be the bigger person and let it be.there are people out there with alot worse problems that cannot even get a good lawsuit going for something that wasnt so you got a free knife with your sandwich.i guess it was kind of like a happy meal then.everyone is always about getting money for something whatever happened to human compassion.subway has alot of teens working for them you get some poor kid black-balled from working at resturaunts or something

  19. Can you sue? The simple answer is yes. You can do whatever you like, as a responsible adult, that's the bottom line. And then, there will be circumstances no matter what you do, or even if you don't. Many other answers here point this out. Life's simple seen through this lens. How do you choose to spend your time and life force?

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