On Sept. 2, I went to the gyno and explained to him what was going on ( this is a new gyno, my old one quit practicing to be home with her kids) I told him that I am ttc and that it has been about 5 months with no luck. My periods are very regular, never late; 25 day cycle always and I bleed for 3 days medium flow and on the 4th day I just spot very lightly. Well, this month when I came on Aug. 30, I only bled for 1.5 days and had a pinkish discharge when I wiped the rest of the days. THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE. I called the gyno office today and asked when I had my visit did they do a pregnancy test and she said no. She told me to give it a week and test again. I think that I may be pregnant but I have stopped charting and monitoring. I basically gave up TTC because I was tired of being disappointed month after month. I have been having cramping a tightness. I have also been very tired and nausea. If i am preggers I am about 4 weeks. I just wanted to know what other TTC'ers think of this. All mature answers welcome.