
I went to the docs today and im 1 cm. dilated?

by Guest56269  |  earlier

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Ok so im 38 wks. and 1 cm. dilated and 50%. I guess that means my cervix has 50% thinned out. So my ? is is how long does it take to get to get fully dilated. How long did it take you to go from 1 cm. 2 about 5 to 6 cm. dilated. My doc said there a possibility that i won't make it to my next appointment which is next tuesday. How much progress can you make in just 1 week after finding out your 1 cm. dilated.




  1. Here is my story my doc had my due date for the 19th of August, (by what I told her with my last min. cycle), which was just a guess, and my ultra sound said that I was due like around the 9th. On the 8th I went for my doc visit and I was already 2 cm dilated, my next appoint was for that next thursday but, she told me that I will have it by then. I was not feeling any contractions at all (it just felt like I was on my period), it just felt weird when I walked. So that night I talked to my sis and she told me that I was in labor! I was like, I AM? I wasnt feeling any hurt or anything, then as soon as we hung up the phone, I started feeling them!! They werent too bad, so me and my husband went to Walmart walked around and then my parents house, my contractions started to get worse, they were like 3 to 5min apart and they were lasting for like 30 secs or more!! So we went to the hospital and 1 hour before I was admitted they had me to walk around for an hour(@ 2:00 am)  to see if that would further me along which brought me to 1 more cm. a total of 3cm. They decided to keep me and @ 2:33 I gave birth to my son!

    The baby will come when its ready that is for sure! But maybe what triggered mine was I was playing Wii for like a week! I pray all is well with you and your family!!

  2. I was 1cm on one Monday and 4cm the next Monday, but the day I was 4cm, I was 3 days past my due date, so I was induced the following day.

  3. It means absolutely nothing at all.  I was 3cm 80% effaced and at +2 station (baby needs to be at +4).  I was practically sitting on my baby because he aws right there.  They told me to expect to go any minute, but I stayed that way for another two weeks  until I had to be induced.  Finding out how dialated and effaced you are is basically a guessing game.  You can stay at 1 cm for another four weeks.  The only thing I can suggest is to walk and have s*x.  

  4. after finding out I was 1 cm I made it another week!! I'm still sitting at 1 cm and I was due a few days ago!

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