
I went to the doctor a few days ago and i need to know something can you help?

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well i am 13 and a few days ago i went to the doctor because i keep going really dizzy even when i am just sat still. The doctor was a new doctor but he made a guess at it may be because i maybe a bit anemic but he wasn't sure

do any of you have any ideas of what it maybe?




  1. it could be alot of things. stress...dehydrated... even allergies or sinus. yes, anemia can cause dizziness. did he prescribe iron pills? they will help alot, but takes about a week to feel the diff. you will have so much more energy too. hope this helps.

  2. a lot of people are anemic. its normal. so you might be. i used to get dizzy and shaky all the time but i wasnt anemic. i had low blood sugar so i had to get blood taken and stuff. supposedly im "fine" now but that stuff always still happens to me. to make it go away i just eat something even if im not hungry. so try that and see if it helps!


  3. vertigo

  4. Feeling dizzy is not an illness, but a symptom of something else. It is often the result of an inner ear infection. If there are problems with the inner ear, then one may feel dizzy. The inner ear is responsible for balance, and the labyrinth may become infected. This throws off the sufferer's co-ordination and balance, resulting in frequent dizziness.

    There are many ailments that can bring about the symptom of dizziness, including heart circulation problems and irregular blood flow. High or low blood pressure can often bring on a bout of dizziness.

    Blood flow is a major factor in bouts of light-headedness. If there is not enough blood flowing to the head, dizziness may result. For example, when you stand up too quickly or have eaten a heavy meal, you may feel dizzy. This is because blood pressure has fallen sharply. In these cases, the condition should only be temporary.

    Other ailments or illnesses that cause dizziness include low blood sugar, fevers and stress. A simple head injury can cause dizziness. Depression and certain phobias, such as agoraphobia, can also bring on a bout of dizziness.

    Anxiety or panic attacks are usually accompanied by a bout of dizziness. The room may begin to feel as if it is spinning when a panic attack occurs. This may be because breathing quickens and too much oxygen reaches the brain.

    In medical terms, there are three different types of dizziness. These are classed as vertigo, syncope and non-vertigo non-syncope. Vertigo is classified as a spinning sensation of both the surroundings and the individual. Syncope is used to describe the condition felt when standing up too quickly. Non-vertigo non-syncope is when balance problems occur and dizziness may increase with movement.

    Nearly 40% of Americans seek medical assistance at some point in their lives due to dizziness. It is a very difficult symptom to diagnose unless there are accompanying symptoms. A common accompanying symptom of dizziness is butterflies in the stomach. If this happens every time you see a certain male or female, then it is quite common and no medical advice need be sought.

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