
I went to the doctor yesterday and had an e***a. Does enjoying the feeling make me g*y?

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It's odd, now I want to get kinky with my mistress Rebecca, but I'm afraid she'll think it's odd. Should I just keep it to myself? My wife, moo moo lovins' tells me to put stuff there all the time, but she's just angry, mean and bitter.




  1. yes it does...big time!

    and ANNA, if youre so concerned about the children using this site, why did you use a pic of yourself dressed like a hooker as your avatar?

  2. YES.... yes it does Frank, you are g*y now. saddle up

  3. Anna, did you get that avatar picture off the Penthouse website? Talk about sleazy!!!!!

  4. TMI.....

    Well, being that some weirdo keeps posting questions about being "BOB"ed, I suppose this feeling may be normal....??


    Wait - is that YOU asking that question????


  5. You should get one for your mouth.. to wash out all of the bulls**t that you spew! haha!

  6. No that doesn't make you g*y Frank....

    Kinky... and a bit dirty...

    Only g*y if you're thinking about another man "putting stuff there"... LOL

  7. Package up a nice gift for Rebecca and Moo Moo.  In Rebecca's, place a strap on in it.  In Moo Moo's, just place a few boxes of Twinkies.  That will keep Luv'ns busy while you and Rebecca search for that e***a.


  9. Too Funny:)

    Nope..............Don't think you're g*y!  LOL

  10. probably not g*y, but you could get a guy to give you a bj...give it a test drive and see if you like it or not.

  11. You need to buy Rebbecca a strap-on and play a little BOB (Bend Over Boyfriend) and let her go to town!

    Oh yea Anna I think Jeff is right you do look like a tramp! and that's what parents are for!

  12. dang dude.  what are you...g*y?

  13. Well this is what you do when she is down there (kissing it your manhood that is) just nicely grab her hand and place a nicely proportioned item into it (or her finger your choice)(hey you guys do it to us why not?) and insert.  Come on Frank you are smarter than this.  Good luck and let me know how Rebbecca digs it (LMAO non intentional I swear) ROFLMAO  omg I totally got my fix today thanks frank.

  14. You should worry when you're taking breaks at work, and hiding your e***a in your pocket just to go fancy yourself in the bathroom.  If Rebecca finds it odd - I'm thinking you can just put her to the back of the line up.  

    PS Those rat communists erased my poem!


    Good call Jeff!

  15. LMAO...........moo moo lovins? I'm having a royal $hitty day and I needed that laugh. Thanks man...

  16. It's kinky if you get Moo-Moo to administer the e***a; she might get it mixed up with her English cucumber since she is into vegetality.  I don't think it's g*y, though.

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