
I went to the mistic aquarium and i petted stingrays backs with my hand..................?

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Why dont they sting??




  1. im pretty sure most aquariums stingrays are pretty tame. They are touched by tons of people every day and are usually used to it.

  2. Stingrays have a spine several inches long attached to their tail.  This is where the danger is!  Most aquariums will remove the spine making the stingray harmless so they can be touched.

  3. i think its the undersides of their tales that sting but your not supposed to touch their tail because they are very fragile and because of the danger of being stung. there is also the possibility that you didn't actually touch his tail, only got close, in which case it wouldn't have stung you because there are not any stingers on their back

  4. maybe you didn't touch his tail!

    hang on surely they won't let you pet a dangerous fish lol! x

  5. They do.

    Ask Steve Irwin.

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