
I went to the shop and i bought........

by  |  earlier

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come on guys make me laugh!




  1. the shop

  2. an anal intruder and a pound of oranges.

  3. the shop!!

  4. a!

  5. 3 satsumas, a pound of butter, a tub of vasaline, 6 bananas, 4 carrots, 20 asprins, ben g*y, 8 lightbulbs, a trident, 2 pairs of scissors and a old boot.

  6. A nipple pump. :D

  7. Tampax

  8. A hooker!

  9. if you're a woman and depending on the shop (im a bloke so this may be rude) a d***o? a vibrator one that sits and warms up on the radiator.

    nickers i can eat a bra that you cant be and a set of cuffs and chains and an open faced toilet seat.

    lol hows that.

    it just *** up in my hed splat!

  10. Tickle x

  11. s*x

  12. vajajay cream

  13. milk!

  14. the fit guy over the counter lol  

  15. a f***y shaped willy

  16. ''i went to the store and i bought......."a booger!!!!!!!!!!hahahahahaha

  17. a little green man, the shopkeeper promised me it was an experience...

    the next day i brought the green man back, and the shopkeeper asked why did you bring him back?

    i replied, he's a fat slob, not a martian.

    the keeper replied i never said it was a martian.

    its your mum.

    i tried!


  18. **** off

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