
I went to this party and got drunk.... ?

by  |  earlier

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i went to this party last night and got drunk.

i made out with this guy.. and we were both a little tipsy but not to drunk to drive (since he drove me home) he game me his number and told me to call him.

i was like i'll probably call you around one are you still going to be up.

and he was like yeah i'll be up call me..

so does he want me to call him or was he just drunk?




  1. ............

  2. he might have a gf  

  3. umm well its hard to know but i say you should call him....if when you call him and he seems like 'oh...... yea...its you' with a not too enthusiastic voice then just take that as a 'dont call' sort of thing...sorry if i sound too harsh by saying that...but if he's like 'oh hey!! whats up!' all excited kinda thing...then you'll kno he did want you too call....but since you said that he wasnt drunk cuz he drove you home im pretty sure he knew what he was saying...and meant what he said...u know wat i mean....=)

    hope i helped....Wish you good luck!

  4. ummm ring and find out...

  5. call him.

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