
I were just wondeing?.......this should be interesting!?

by  |  earlier

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if you were standing infront of a cash machine(on the wall outside the bank) and you popped your card in to withdraw some money, but had not acually put your pin number in yet, and then all of a sudden £50 and £20 pound notes started popping out of the machine, never seeming to stop, would you just take the money and run or would you take it into the bank and hand it over??? you are also the only person at the cash point!! come on folks be honest, what would you REALLY do??




  1. I would definitely have to return it,knowing someone will be held responsible for the machines fault.

  2. Just a little point on this:if it ever happens to you take it stright back into the bank - deposit it into your bank account. (this way the bank role will still tally and take them ages to find the mistake. also it means you have not commited a crime as once you deposit money in your bank it then belongs to the bank until you request it back (then it becomes yours), so in giving it stright back  in the form of putting it in your bank account you have technically not broken any laws and so cannot be charged.

  3. well first of all I'd have a look around make sure some idiot with a camera ain't gonna jump out because it's a prank (a bit like attaching a tenner to a piece of string and watching people chase it)

    Then I'd take the money, and I'd love to meet someone who wouldn't do the same

  4. I'd return the money, mostly because if I didn't, I would have a major anxiety attack.  After that point, I would have trouble functioning.  My mind would scream that it was the right thing to do, and wouldn't let me sleep until I returned the money.

  5. I would take it into the bank. Cash machines have cameras, and they have all of your information. They would know who took the money.  Plus, maybe if you're honest, the bank would give you a reward.

  6. I would keep it... so long as I was sure no body had seen me etc etc etc... It isn't as if it belongs to an individual... so I wouldn't feel guilty :)

  7. take it and run!

  8. Something like this did happen sometime ago where the couple did put their card and pin number in the cash machine only to find it kept pumping out  ÃƒÂ‚£20 notes. They did tell the bank but to their surprise they discovered £20000 had been deposited into their account. The bank manager assured them there was no mistake . After spending just a small sum the bank found their mistake and demanded the money back.

  9. Spend it for myself. Its the banks fault.

  10. I had this happen to me - I took the money back into the bank.

  11. I would wake up as this sort of thing only happens in dreams.

  12. Run!! Its not often the bank gives for free. I remember a few years ago, the ATM in town was paying out double the ammount being asked for. I'd never seen a queue so long.

  13. That is what surveillance cameras are for!I hope you would take it into the bank, and save yourself some embarrassing questions later on!!

  14. Wouldn't see me for dust!!!!!

  15. keep it the bank ripped me off enough with their charges

  16. I would have to turn it in.  Religious thing, if I didn't believe in god, I'd probably grab and dash.

  17. Keep it.

  18. my head says although i would love to keep it there would be a cctv at the cashpoint and they would find out it was me so no i would have to give it back

  19. Honestly, its not your money! It belongs to someone else so no I would not take it. Its theft and wrong. If you take it your a criminal and you will get caught, so yeah the rush of stealing hundreds of euros, dollars, pounds, whatever, probably are not worth going to jail for.


  20. if you keep it ,it is theft, this has happened and people have been charged and sent to prison, there is always a camera around a cash point. very tempting.

  21. a bank credited the wrong account w/ a deposit i made , i found this out + after they verified it they corrected their error . up til that point i was a liar + was treated as such . since then 2 diff banks have deposited money into accounts of mine that was not my money . i felt justice was served + left it there both times for over 9 months, they never touched it . i kept the money . i have no pity for banks whatsoever , they sure don't pity me or you . a bank is the one company where there is no product being purchased but the cust sure does pay a lot .

  22. keep it the bank has pently

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