
I will be 13 on july 21, i took an IQ test and got that average?

by Guest63688  |  earlier

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i am almost 13 and i got 126 is that average? and are there ways to help my IQ go up? (i took it at




  1. thats good !! thats perfect normal and maybe a bit high


  2. Congratulations! It is actually above average! (and almost GIFTED!)

    Have a look:

    Genius              144  0.13%

    Gifted                       130-144 2.14%

    Above average      115-129 13.59%

    Higher average       100-114 34.13%

    Lower average        85-99 34.13%

    Below average        70-84 13.59%

    Borderline low           55-69 2.14%

    Low                         <55 0.13%

    Some fun things to get IQ up (actually been proven!):

    -crossword puzzles

    -watching game shows (Weakest Link)



    -writing a story or keeping a journal

    Hope that helps!!

  3. Yes, that is perfectly normal.

  4. i believe thats slightly an above average IQ.

    doesnt that site count ur age as well?

    i had 136 when i was 15 btw :P

    same site ^^

    anyway the ones with the best accuracy are those official ones though, so you can never be too sure ^^

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