
I will be 45 this september and can't believe I lived this long. Do you all feel younger than a 24 year old?

by  |  earlier

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Sept. 12 is my actual birthdate, but on the first of September is my sobriety birthdate. Another year of life!




  1. I'm 26 yrs old for the last 28 years! Huh huh huh.... and it's known by the thousands of my fans ( listeners to my radio-programs). Few of them asked (as fun), "Next year you're going to be 27, right?" I denied! I replied, "Well, next year an extra year would be added to the calendar only, not to my age!"

    In fact, age makes your hair-color changed, makes skin wrinkled, decrease your strength & so and so---but your heart remains same bloody-red with all its activities. Rather I would say, a 54 years old person like me with a brain & experience, also 54 yrs old & a heart of 26 years old suits this world.

    Happy Birthday to you.

    p.s. On Sept. 1 or 12, you're going to be a 24 years old young man! Welcome!    

  2. I am 16 and i feel like i am 45.  

  3. YES! I`m 51 and apart from the odd ache and unable to do awkward jobs like i used to i still think i`m 25.

    Sometimes i wish though i had a 51 year old head on a 25 year old body because things do tend to go south a bit with years of gravity !

    Now, i really must work out and stop drinking beer!

  4. Yes, I too have celebrated the same birthday over and over again for the last 30 years. My mother told me the same thing when I was 10.  I thought she was crazy.  40 years later, I know what she meant.  You really can't divorce yourself from who you were.  You're still the same person you always were, only more experienced and hopefully a bit wiser than before.

    Congrats on your sobriety. I'm celebrating 52 years of sobriety myself. My father was an alcoholic. He taught me to never touch the stuff.  It was the best thing that could have happened to me. I pray you'll be able to pass on the same lesson to those you love, in a much better way of course.

  5. i'm quite much younger than 24 so i really can't tell how a 24 yr old or older feel like -until i experience it, then compare it........right now, i do feel younger than 24:)

  6. yes iam younger than 24 years but iam a real skeptic about the year measurement that we use...

    i dont think it is a good measurement of one's transitory and short life

  7. Have you ever asked a 24 year old  how she/he feels ? Many , many of them would feel that the period 17 to 22 were great with no responsibilities , no worry about career , about money needs. Enter 24  or 25 your real responsibilities start. You have to earn. You have to manage peer pressure. You cannot go back and correct your mistakes . Virtually you r future "seems'" to have been sealed at 24!

    Yes. at and around 40 there are many physical changes that make us psychologically  worried. Menopause for women, bifocal glasses, receeding hairlines for men  all are around. Over and above that all the newspapers and  advertisements shout loud to say that IF you are over 40 do this or that monthly check up and things like that. You feel frightened by this artificially created scare.

    It is for the first time you realise that you are aware of your body`s limitations and the real seperation of the mind /body complex.  

  8. I'm 30 but look 23 but my body's nagging changes make me feel like 42. Doesn't allow me to enjoy my youthful looks  :-P

  9. I have the opposite problem - I am younger than 24 yet I feel about 45.

  10. Congrats on your sobriety!!

    51- mentally I feel 24...but physically feel every one of those years!

  11. I'm 36 and feel like i should have when I was 20, I think society puts so much emphasis on age young people try too hard to be young and then people worry about growing old.  When you think about it there's no real benefit of being young, it's fun but then when your'e young you have nothing to compare it to, I blame various media for propagating a youth worshipping society.

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