
I will be a sophmore next year, and I ran a 2:16 800 as a freshman.?

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If I train for two months before the season next year, will I be able to run a 2:05 by the end of the season.




  1. Why would you set a goal of 2:05. Dont just train for 2 months train for AT LEAST 6 months. That way you can run sub 2:00. You have to set a high goal. I'm a sophmore this year and i can run 2:15. My goal is to run a 1:59 for next year. My coach always says "you have a 50% chance of doing anything, you either do it or you don't" Well i think you just have to set a high goal and train as long as you can. Not just for 2 months. I hope my advice helps you.

  2. we can't tell you if you will get better. it all depends on if you train hard enough and practice well. dont start two months before the season, start now. go running at least every weekend and other days when you have time. just run around the neighborhood or a park if there's one nearby. practice doing 800's, and do 1-2 mile runs to build up your endurance. run some shorter sprints too, like 200 and 400 meters, which will help you build up your speed. find a friend to train with, especially one who's faster than you. they will motivate you to push yourself harder to get better. remember that if you work hard and dont give up, you can meet your goals by track!

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