
I will be based in Saigon, VIetnam. Can anyone suggest a short trip from there?>?

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I will be based in Saigon, VIetnam. Can anyone suggest a short trip from there?>?




  1. I was there in February. While in Saigon, you should definitely book yourself on a tour to the Chu Chi Tunnels. These tunnels were used during the war by the North Vietnamese to sneak intelligence back and forth between the North and South. Some people argue it was a major factor in the North winning the war. They are pretty amazing!!! Takes half a day. Tour includes bus ride to and from, entrance fees, and tour guide. Well worth it and a great learning experience.

  2. There are dozens and dozens of tours and trips to take from Saigon.

    I went to the Chu Chi tunnels as decribed by someone else here, and very much enjoyed it. The only part I didn't like was the 30 minute communist propoganda video before the tour started. The guides will tell you everything about the tunnels, but not much about the bomb craters aroudn and on top of the tunnel complex.

    Consider a boat trip up the Mekong. There are dozens to choose from.

    Make sure you visit the beach.

    Have lunch on top of the Tower (the tallest building in Saigon) and enjoy an incredible view of Saigon. DO NOT ORDER THE HAMBURGER... It was the worst hambuger I had ever ate.

    Have lunch at Pho 2000, which is a very famous restaurant in the middle of Saigon that serves pho.

    Right across the street from Pho 2000 is the big mall. Everything is incredibly cheap there, but don't let the locals take you for a dumb tourist. Always haggle with the price.

    A dinner cruise on the Saigon River is to die for.

    The Zoo has elephants that you can feed sugar cane stalk to. The elephants are living history. They were there during the war. Also at the zoo is an excellent museum.

    Clothing is excellent and very cheap. ASk the locals for a good suit or dress shop tp tailot make a suit or dress. I got three Vietnamese silk suits tailor made for less than $300 total.

    If you're into golf, there is an excellent golf course close to the international community towards the West end of the city.

    People in Saigon speak English fairly well, but you should get a guide if you leave Saigon. There are many college students that will be your guide for the cost of food and hotel rooms.

    People in Saigon worship Americans. You will be treated like you're royalty. Watch when you get outside of Saigon and especially into Hue or the North. Most will treat you very well, but a couple will want to kill you - literally.

    Have Fun!

    DCH II

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