
I will be flying into mexico city, backpacking towards cancun and down into guatamala and honduras?

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I just read that the hurricaine probabilities are above average this year and it is very likely one will hit land. As a resident of mexico or cancun, what do you think?




  1. Indeed C.Y.

    Be sure you carry a lot of I.D. so they can identify your body.

  2. As a resident of the U.S., I think that hurricanes will be the least of your worries.

  3. With modern weather forecasting, you'll have several days advance notice of any hurricanes.  If you're in Cancun and Cancun is in the bulls-eye of a hurricane, you simply get on a bus and head south to Chetumal and you're out of danger.  The center of a hurricane is dangerous, but the outer bands are just rain and wind.

    Many more Europeans backpack across Mexico. Americans hide out in their all-inclusive hotels and don't get to see the real Mexico.

  4. Hola Velma!

    I would agree with "Sparks" and "Rhino"on the weather question.You should be able to safely and easily move around any bad weather.I have backbacked through Central and South America several times and Rhino is also correct in saying that it is mostly Europeans who are the budget travelers.Perhaps you are from Europe too.

    One thing I would mention is that slashing packs is something you need to be aware of all the time in Central America.I have been using a "PacSafe"on my backpack for over two years to discourage the slashers. You need to stay very aware of the people around you especially in the busy mercados. They work in small groups,mostly male but sometimes females  One to three of them will distract you from the front (they are masters at distractions even the small kids) while one or more will use a razor to slash the outside pockets on your backpack looking for digital cameras,wallets,passports,etc.

    Even if they don't get anything of value your expensive backpack is forever ruined.

    I'll bet some people find the name Velma to be unusual but I don't. I have a very close friend from Oklahoma who is also named Velma,she will be thrilled to know there is at least one other person with the same name.To date she has never met anyone else with the name.

    See the link below for some Pac-Safe products if you are not already familiar with them.

    Because of the trouble I had with the pack slashers I designed a new type of bag/system for people who want to travel quick and light with a bag that will fit in even the smallest of airplane overhead compartments. I had four of them made for me in Mexico.I showed it to a friend who has a mail order business and he has sold over 400 of them in the first three months.Not a record or anything but it's great something good could come of something bad.I really wish I could find the slasher who got me in Guatemala and thank him.Now I'm anxious to see someone I don't know running for a flight with one of the bags.That would be a very good day for me. Have a great trip!



  5. I sure hope backpacking means riding buses and not hitchhiking.  People don't hitch in Mexico

    hurricanes - just keep your eye out and move away

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