
I will be flying one-way to Taipei in 2 weeks and want to know if I should fly First Class. Is it worth it?

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I ask because it is a really long flight and I hear that people get really cranky, and even sick in Coach because of it being uncomfortable and being surrounded by lots of people. How does it feel to fly First Class? Is it worth it?





  1. I don't know if you are making $50k/year or $5 million, so hard to say what kind of dent this will make in your budget.  How does it feel?  well, more like being in a taxi than at the back of a bus, plus good food and very attentive service...much better chance to sleep, with lie-flat bed....nice lounge before you get on the plane, you get to get off first and your bags should be first on the carousel.

    For business people, an argument is that they bounce back from the long flight faster, so can go to work sooner....and if time is $, you want your high-dollar talent being productive, not holed in hotel room getting over jetlag!

    So..."worth it" is a value judgement; me, I couldn't afford it, but if you place a premium on comfort, spend the $ (or Euro or...).....or better yet, have your employer spend it!

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