
I will be going to Cancun, what should i do if i get my period there?

by  |  earlier

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I am not able to use Tampons due to the TSS problem I have.




  1. You will have no problem finding the products here that are necessary but if you have a favorite brand bring them with you and have a great time!

  2. Go prepaird and bring some from home in case you do start while you are down there...

  3. use a pad just like you would if you were back home

  4. Pareos!!!

    They are kind of like a cloth you put around your waist like a skirt. they cost from 5 to 15 dollars at the most, depends on the design.  Use the bathing suit and wrap the pareo around your waist (there are some short ones and some long ones). Everyone uses them (even guys), very very common.  Don´t go swimming and relax, sunbathe, ask for a (non alcoholic) margarita or conga, hang around...

    You will have a great time.

  5. probably put a tampon in

  6. Just use what you use at home, and bring it with you.  There are plenty of pharmacies around with that stuff, and there's a Walmart too.

  7. Way too much information for a public forum!

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