
I will be in the car for 5 hours..?

by  |  earlier

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What are some thing i could do to pass the time? And entertain my husband?




  1. Yes but its not appropriate

  2. I dont know.  Ask Monica Lewinsky!

  3. 5 Hours?!?! Hpoefully you have a FM transmitter for some sort of mp3 player so that everyone could hear music, not just the one person with earphones. (I am assuming you will be in and out of radio range so forget that, and people tend to have more in mp3 collection than on CD these days anyways). Also, you may end up falling asleep after a while if/when you aren't driving, that'll make the time go by!!! Other than that, pack some magazines, portable DVD player, or lots of munchable food... Good luck.

  4. Try doing  a search of car games that you can play, may not be so fun after 5 min.    

    It will go really fast if you just plan a stop in the middle for lunch or a scenic stop.  Also, make sure you stop and stretch so you don't feel so worn out when you arrive at your destination.

    Have the non driver read a book you have both been meaning to read, or if you get car sick see if you can get the book on tape.  (all other radio/music options can be for intermission)

  5. get some really cheesy songs and burn them onto a CD

    and make fun of them!

    Get some songs you both know

    and sing!

    play I spy? (i know a kids game.)

    play some question game.

    ex.  is it green? yes

    is it tall? Most of the time

    is it a tree? yes

    or some other random game....

    or maybe get a magazine and read it to him?

    i am just thinking at random.

  6. Throw together a mixed CD of fast, energetic songs that you and he both like.

  7. - movie (woot!)

    - music

    - talking and having an enjoyable conversation:)

    - reading (some people get sick if they read for a long time on the car though...example me lol:( )

    - don't sleep if you want to entertain your husband!

    have fun:):):)

  8. Music



    Those games you used to play on long trips as a kid

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