I'm seventeen years old and I'm traveliing from Biloxi, MS to Milwaukee, WI. The trip will take approx. 20 hours in total and there is a 4 hour lay over in the middle of it. This is the first time I've ever ridden on a greyhound bus with strangers, but I have researched quiet a bit. Such as don't dress rich, dress poor so that your unapproachable to people who may want to steal your belongings, and if you fall asleep have your things in an area where you will know if someone is fidleing with them.
I just would like some tips on what to do for the layovers like the short ones, should I stay on the bus?
And is it safe and what not?
Will a 15-20 pound gym/duffle bag be alright to bring onto the bus? (only containing: notebooks, clothes, makeup, and books/magazines)