
I will be taking a trip to Panama this spring staying in?

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Panama City. Has anyone been to Panama on their own? Was it easy to go around the city? Did you feel safe? My friend and I are going at the end of this month. Thanks for your input




  1. I have.  

    The part of town with the hotels seemed very safe.  Even at night.  The tourist places seemed safe during the day.  I walked around a lot.  Taxis were not too expensive.  You need to bargain with them a little.

    Panama, the city, had lots of restaurants, shopping and casinos.  I really like the rest of the country better, though.  Friendly people and lots to do and see, from jungles to beaches to mountains.  It was easy to get around the country by bus.  Domestic flights were not very expensive, if you do not have time to go by road.

    If you go to see the canal from the city, find out when the ships will be there.  They only enter and leave twice a day.  I think morning and late afternoon.  It would be a waste of money to just see the canal with nothing going on.  If you are on a budget, eat before going or bring food along.  The area with the locks near Panama is a tourist trap for sure.  The museum there was good and the whole thing is worth a visit.

    I am sure there are parts of the city that would be unsafe for tourists.  Use some common sense and keep you eyes open.  Keep your passport and credit cards under your cloths.

    Have a good time, I did.

  2. Panama is reasonably safe.  There are a lot of things to do, and you can get around very easily.  As almost everyone has pointed out taxis are cheap, but of course they will try to knock off some extra bucks out of tourist ignorance.  Just give them 2 bucks and that should be enough.  If money is not a problem you can use hotel taxis, which are a bit more expensive, but a whole lot comfortable.

    Try to avoid certain areas of town unless you have to go there.  For example try to avoid El Chorrillo, Barraza, San Miguelito, Tocumen, Calidonia.  Lets say that those are places that should be left for the locals.

    The rest is OK.

    Have a lot of fun and try to visit other place other than Panama City.

  3. I just went to Panama in march and loved the bar People..Panama Viejo is nive to go out, Pavo Real is an Irish Pub.

    I suggest a travel blog where I found the info bellow:

    Panama City is linked to Col ón by the Trans-Ishman Highway and to Costa Rica by the Pan-American Highway. From April through December, though, the rainy season renders many roads unusable, especially outside urban areas.

    Traffic conditions can be tricky. Many vehicles are not well maintained, including buses and taxis, so driving can be hazardous. Effective use of brakes and signaling by Panamanian drivers are often both notoriously absent. Add to these factors dense traffic, poor or nonexistent signs or traffic signals, neglected street repairs, and many uninsured motorists (insurance is not mandatory in Panama), and you have a situation that should give pause to many travelers considering self-drive auto rental.

    The major car rental companies are represented in Panama City and in David, both at the airport and downtown: Hertz, Budget, Thrifty, and Dollar all have offices in these cities, and elsewhere. Either a driver's license from the traveler's country of origin or an International Driving Permit are acceptable documentation.

    Taxis in Panama are abundant. You can recognize them easily due to their bright, distinctive paint jobs. They also have a number painted on them, which you may use to register any complaints (or compliments). Taxis may be hailed in the street, engaged at a taxi stand, or reserved by telephone. Many people share cabs, called a colectivo ; there is a small surcharge for each additional passenger.

    Fares are determined by zones in Panama City, rather than meters. Drivers must have a zone chart with them at all times. In the event that a passenger does not feel the charges are correct, he/she may request that the zone chart is consulted. Because most cabs are not metered, you should settle the fare before embarking, which is a good time to ask the driver to show you the zone charges. The fares for traveling within city boundaries are quite reasonable, generally ranging between US$1 and US$2, which makes this good transportation for the business traveler.

    Radio Taxi companies:

    America [507] 223-7694

    El Parador [507] 238-9111

    Latino [507] 226-7313

    Unico [507] 221-4074

    Private "hotel taxis" can also be arranged by your hotel, prior to your arrival. For US$30 to $100 they offer a luxurious, though overpriced, ride in a large, air-conditioned American car directly to your hotel. Transportation in a hotel taxi, like the regular taxi, takes about 15 minutes door to door. Look for your hotel representative either holding a sign in the passenger arrivals area, or proceed outside and look for the parked cars behind the regular taxis.

    Travel Panama by Bus

    A bus system services all accessible areas of the country. Embarkation from Panama City to any of the major cities in the interior, such as El Valle, Col ón, David, or Aton, requires going to the new Gran Terminal de Albrook, located near the downtown area. Buses leave throughout the day at hourly intervals or less, depending on destination. It is not a rapid form of transportation, but it is fairly comfortable and dependable.

    The traveler can take an overnight bus from Panama City to Bocas del Toro, Chiriqu í Grande, and Changuinola. This service is offered by Union de Buses Panamericanos (tel: [507] 229-6333), whose office is situated on Via Fernandez de Cordoba, next to a restaurant called Felicidad. The buses are air-conditioned and full service.

    Urban buses are easily recognized, painted in bright, colorful schemes. Most are the "school bus" variety, with seating that is sometimes lacking in comfort and air-conditioning, but they service almost every part of the city. Passengers pay a flat fare at the turnstile when boarding.

    Travel Panama by Boats

    Boats are the primary means of transport in many regions of Panama, particularly between Bocas del Toro and San Blas archipelagos. Also, Kuna Indian merchant ships carry both passengers and cargo between Puerto Obald ía and Col ón along the San Blas coast. Inquire locally to arrange passage.

    Of course, the Panama Canal is the major shipping route for freight and passengers.

    Panama canal transits:

    Crucero Express

    Tel: [507] 264-5564, 226-3326

    Fax: [507] 264-3453

    Panama Travel - Train service

    In country passenger service is no longer offered by the Ferrocarril de Panama, which is currently operating freight trains only between Panama City and Colón. However, a tourist train can be taken from Panama City to Colon (along the Panama Canal). For additional information, go to the website at

    Panama Travel Assistance

    Director General de Imigracion

    Apartado 1870

    Balboa 5, Republic of Panama

    Tel: [507] 227-1077

    Fax: [507] 227-1227

    IPAT (Institute of Tourism)

    Instituto Panameeo de Turismo

    Apartado 4421, Centro de Convenciones ATLAPA

    V ía Israel, Panama 5, Republic of Panama

    Tel: [507] 226-7000, 226-3167, 226-4614

    Fax: [507] 226-3483


  4. I am Panamanian so I always feel safe..I can give you some advices from my point of view...

    Do not wear touristic clothing   meaning that dont wear shorts and sleevless shirts..The best thing to do is wear jeans, shoes (no tennis shoes) and a blouse or polo t-shirt...Avoid the use of expensive jewlery..The reason why I say this, is because you dont know the good and bad areas (every  country has its good and bad areas) and IT would not be good for you to go into an unsafe neighborhood and whithout knowing it, so just dont use them, I have been rob in certain areas, so it is possible.  THe city itself is fairly SaFe, but just be a little bit more safe...  It is easy to go around the city because our cabs or taxies are unexpensive..YOu can go from one place to another and pay about 1.50 or 2 dollar maximun...If the distance is kind of long (more than  20 miles) they might charge you a little more...Be careful thoung cause my mom is american and looks american but lives there and they taxi divers had tried to charge her between 5 and 10 dollars a ride (she just laughs at them and pays the dollar 50)

    anyways, I would have an intinerary ANd I could go like this

    I would wake up every morning and eat breakfast  and take taxi or cabs to these places

    The Cause Way (Go exercise and Restaurants)

    Panama Viejo (touristical ruins)

    Casco Viejo (Old part of the city some nice restaurants and churches)

    Via espana (shopping)

    The MAlls (There are two)

    Now There are places where you can go and do eco tourism, but they are not near the city (like the beaches and the Valley)

    Your best  shot is to ask the hotel to go on a tour...If you do not have a car then go in a tour...

    It will cost you some money, but In Panama it is not easy to drive, like here in the state, Streets and signs are not easy to follow over there.  Well I hope this helps a little, Be safe and Have Fun.

    P.S.  Night life ends between 5 and 6 (a.m.)


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