
I will be taking a year out and would like to know the best way to keep in contact with home?

by  |  earlier

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Can some one tell me the best way to keep in touch with my friends while abroad, also what is the best mobile phone to use when on my travels, I will be away for a year in south America mostly. Any help please!




  1. I think e-mail would be the easiest way to keep in touch, since you'll probably be in a different time zone.

  2. I have been in Costa Rica and Peru for the last year.  I have found that the Internet works the best.  There are places in almost any city you will be in and it is very cheap.  Usually it is about 50cents for an hour.  I have never seen it for the equivalent of a dollar of more.

    Any phone that uses a sim card should work.  I use a Motorola and it is just fine.  In Peru I got a sim card for $3 that included some minuets and for 6 or 7$ I get about 40 min to call the states.  You can buy an international phone card in which ever country you are in and it will be much cheaper than the cell to call the states.

    Good luck, and don't trust anyone.  Everyone will try to be so nice to you if you look like a tourist, then take everything that you have.

  3. i would use the internet but i would also sign up to a travel blog site that way you can keep a diary and your friends and family can keep up to date with your travels

    as for a good mobile any on will do so long as its Quad band that way you have world wide coverage

    check out your provider for costs on calls home first it will be pricey

    next best thing would be land line and pick up some cheap international phone cards work a treat

    hope this helps

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