
I will be taking the compass test pretty soon. What's a good book I can review that will help me?

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I need to take the Compass test before I can register for College.




  1. Things to Know About COMPASS®

    Sample Questions

    These sample items illustrate the types of questions students will encounter in the COMPASS® placement measures:



    Writing Skills

    The system also includes placement measures for English as a Second Language (ESL). You may view ESL sample questions for




    Tips for Taking COMPASS® Tests

    Relax! The COMPASS tests are designed to help you succeed in school. Your scores help you and your institution determine which courses are most appropriate for your current level of knowledge and skills. Once you identify your academic strengths and weaknesses, you can get the help you need to improve underdeveloped skills before they interfere with your learning.

    You will be able to concentrate better on the test if you get plenty of rest and eat properly before the test. You should also arrive a few minutes early so you can find the testing area, bathrooms, etc., and have time to gather your thoughts before the test begins.

    Be sure you understand the directions for each test before that test session begins. Ask questions if you need to.

    Read each question carefully until you understand what the question is asking. If answering an item requires several steps, be sure you consider them all.

    Be sure to answer every item. You are not penalized for guessing. Your score will provide more useful placement information if you answer every item, even if you guess.

    Don't be afraid to change an answer if you believe that your first choice was wrong.

    If you have a problem or question during the test, raise your hand and the test administrator or proctor will help you. Although they cannot answer test questions for you, they can help you with other types of problems.

    This link below will take you to about 25 diffrent  pages   good luck

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