
I will be traveling to London, England next year and I will be 15. I was wondering if I am allowed to drink.?

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I will be traveling to London, England next year and I will be 15. I was wondering if I am allowed to drink.?




  1. Legally, no, but lots of pubs don't check your ID. They aren't nearly as strict as in the States. Girls tend to get away with it more often than guys do because we can look older.

    When you're 16 you're allowed to have beer or cider if you are with adults and you have it with a meal. You're allowed to drink at dinner parties at 16, too. If you're out with older people and you are 15, you'll probably be okay. Lots of times the server won't check your ID. Just stick to cider and drinks that aren't too strong, and MAKE SURE YOU EAT.

    You can't drink at bars or clubs or buy alcohol until you're 18. They really do check your ID at these places, so don't even bother.

    Just be SUPER CAREFUL. If you've never had alcohol before, you can get drunk really fast, and I promise you, it's a really awful feeling. Only drink a small amount, and only if it tastes good. Also, only drink with people you completely trust. This is essential.

    And be aware that if you get caught you could get in serious trouble with your parents or school (if you're on a school trip). It's probably not worth the risks.

    : )

  2. NO.... and what are you, nuts or something? WHY would you want to drink at your age. You'll be an adult and have adult opportunities and responsibilities for a long, long time believe me. Wait until you're mature enough to handle the responsibility of drinking.

  3. no, sorry minimum age for buying alcohol is 18

  4. legally no

    but if you go into the right kind of pub or bar (not a chain place like a whetherspoons, as they are more likely to have indiscriminate i.d. checking policies etc) or you are with girls or you look old you probably wont have a problem

    15 is probably too young to get away with luck so invest in a fake id or borrow someones or something if you dont want to risk it

  5. No...................and you're 15, you shouldn't be anyway.  Do grown up things when you're grown up. you're a child.

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