
I will be travelling to Argentina in spring i am wanting to know where to go in Buenos Aires?

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I will be travelling to Argentina in spring i am wanting to know where to go in Buenos Aires?




  1. Go to Cabana Las Lilas to eat and also go to Cafe Tortoni which is dinner and a tango show. Also go see Tanguera its a tango show. and take tango lessons they are soooo cheap!!! Oh and I took a bunch of picutres in front of police and I didnt get in trouble. In fact, BA has soooo many tourists, ppl take pictures all the time. And there are police everywhere! Have fun! You'll love it!! And oh my gosh eat ice cream everyday its amazing there!! So is the cofee. Order a Calipso. And eat Havanna alfajores! But make sure they are Havanna!

  2. I´m a tourist guide and a travel agent from Buenos Aires so a have millions of places to reccomend.

    1.- You must do a city tour, is around three hours and you visit  the most interesting places of the city: PLaza de Mayo, San Telmo, La Boca, Puerto Madero, Retiro, Recoleta and Palermo.

    2.- A tour to Tigre is a must. You´ll know one of the biggest deltas of the world knowing also the city of San Isidro and the Tren de la Costa (coast train).

    3.-Visit a "estancia" (ranch) and spend a day knowing the history of gaucho and the activities that they practised. There you can practise horse riding, folk show, try an asado, and so much more.

    Those are the three excursion that you can book in a travel agency. But also you must know:

    Outside the city: La Plata (capital of Buenos Aires province with one of the 10 biggest cathedrals in the world, a spectacular natural science museum and chidren´s city (is said that walt disney inspired here to built his parks)), Luján (an important religious place), Temaikén (a zoo similar to the disney parks),  and Tierra Santa (a place where they show you Jesus history, is a theme park).

    In Buenos Aires city: Café Tortoni, a tango show and tango lessons, try the Havanna alfajores as said before, try the dulce de leche, visit the third cemetry in the world, Recoleta´s Cemetry, visit Antique Market in San Telmo (only on Sunday), the Fine Arts Museum in Recoleta, the tunnels in Manzana de las luces, visit the Palacio Barolo, go to Las Violetas a beatiful restaurant/cafe. Go to Palermo Soho, Las Cañitas, PLaza Cortazar. Buy leather in Scalabrini Ortiz, Murillo, Florida, Marcelo T. de Alvear, Suipacha st. Eat "empanadas de carne" Go to the pubs and irish bars (if you like to drink) in Reconquista. If you like cheap clothes (this is more for the women) go to Once. You have millions of places to know here and you will want to return to see more.

    Regardind the photos, that´s a lie. You can take photos of everything, probably that boy was taking photos of an oficial building, is the same that if I go to any country and want to take photo, for example, of the embassys or something like that.

    You have yo be careful with pickpockets but no more than in other  city, if you´re on the street showing your money and things like that, is not the same. Everybody, even the people that live here are with the cameras, so don´t worry is safe. About the "locutorios", the internet places, i´ve been there all of my life and they´re fine. An internet hour is between $1 and $2, and also you can call anywhere in the wolrd from these places. I don´t why taht men said that you have to be careful, all the tourist and us use them.

    For you it´ll cheaper, today with a dollar you buy 3.08 pesos, the food is great and the people too (I´m one of them). I suggest you visit a lot of the web pages about the city if you come here alone. It´s better to stay in a hotel in the center of the city becuse you´ve everything near. Hope this was useful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I love the walk up Avenida de Mayo, from the Casa Rosada and the plaza in front all the way to the Congreso. . .so European the buildings.  For lunch, take a right onto Callao, and try the empanadas at La Americana--you can watch as they make them in the window. . .if you want dessert after this, take the Metro to the Castro Barros stop from Congreso, and visit Cafe La Violeta. . .so delightfully old world. . .the flan with dulce de leche is wonderful. . .great stained glass windows and courtly waiters with continental service. . .inexpensive too. . .

  4. check Kalel's answer is the best. I am from that area and was there 2 years ago, and everything he mentions is worth it, like in any other tourist place watch out for pickpockets, taxi drivers, politicians and others. (just joking.) Kalel's advise is good!

  5. I was there in November, the nicest place I went to was the delta del tigre area, north of the city (around 30 km away). You can go by train, very easy. It's a large number of small islands in the river, and you have houses and restaurants everywhere. Other than that, just walking in BA is fun. Florida street, San Telmo, Cortazar plaza in Palermo, the different nice parcs, puerto madero, the weekend market in La Recoleta. have fun I envy you.

  6. Spend an afternoon in the Palermo parks watching people and dog walkers. Wander around Las Canitas in the evening and then pop into a restaurant for lunch or dinner.

    Take the Tren de la Costa (very nice tourist tain) from La Lucila to Tigre where you can visit the Puerto de Frutos market. You can also buy a tourist ticket that allows you to get on and off at all the stops along the way.

    Visit the Feria de Matadores one Saturaday afternoon/evening.

    Go to San Telmo on a Sunday for the Plaza Dorrego antiques market and also walk around and enjoy the architecture of the area.

  7. You do not get arrested for photographing a synagogue but if you are a suspicious looking or disrespectful person.  If you enjoy dining do not miss the restaurants in Palermo for some a bit more tasteful than the traditional grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I want meat type of restaurants.  The pub circuit, including Downtown Matias, the Shamrock and Kilkennys are great places to hook up with people are have great fun.  The biketours are the best way to get to know the city.  Regarding pickpocketers and snatchers, definitely be aware of that.  Email me and I will be happy to suggest things while you are here.

  8. The problem with the synagogue may have been because the Jewish center and Israeli embassy were bombed by terrorists in the biggest terrorist incident in Argentina in the early 90's.  I don't see it being a big issue, probably a situation that got of control.

  9. The city tour is nice and takes about three hours. Dont wander around taking photographs. My friends teenage son who is an architecture student got arrested for photographing the Buenos Aires synagogue. You could do a dinner and tango show in the evening. Theres a visit to an Argentinian farm with music and lunch - I found that a waste of time and nothing special. Shopping is fabulously cheap. Watch out for pickpockets and purse snatchers everywhere and be really careful if you go to any of those public internet places. The food is great and their filet steak the best in the world.

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