
I will be travelling to Spain in September / Oct. Can I get my US prescriptions refilled easily?

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I read that you just need to hand over your empty bottle? Are drugs like Xanax and Vicodin major problems?




  1. They sell stuff over the counter that you can't get here, but honestly for these necessary drugs, if you really need them, ask your doctor for extra refills 'cause you'll be out of the country.  That way you don't have to deal with the lack of fluent English and you'll get the right dosages.

    Have a blast.  We went the same time of year and it was AWESOME.  Perfect weather and a really interesting place.

  2. I was just in Spain for a year, and I tried to get my prescription filled and had a little trouble.  Ask your doctor for a few refills, and fill them before you go, BUT BRING A COPY OF THE PRESCRIPTION TO THE AIRPORT!!  If you dont show proof, they may make you leave them behind.  You could buy over the counter stuff without a prescription.  But also, they have socialized medicine, so the ER visits and everything are free.  I had to go to the ER and told them I didnt have any type of insurance, and they still helped me: free of charge.  A while back, you could buy what ever you wanted from a pharmacy, but now they are cracking down on things like that.  I would take care of it here, just to make sure!!   Have fun!

  3. Hi to you, replacement prescriptions are normally easy to obtain over the counter, just bring an empty packet for the description or genaric term and you will be suprised how easy they are to obtain. However recently the Spanish Government has asked for tighter controls and although these were granted and in force the Farmacias pretty much run their own show. Most Farmacias in the Costas and major towns will supply you, perhaps you may have problems if you go ultra rural. I live in Spain (english) and I hope you have a good trip, regards Bill

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