
I will be visiting my sister in Mexico City this summer...?

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does anyone know how far away mexico city is from the ocean?




  1. from both oceans very farr

    it depends if u drive its far

    but in plane like about 1 hour

  2. 230 miles to Acapulco.  See map below.

  3. Well,as far as I know, Mexico City is in the middle of Mexico so you'll have to have quite a drive to get there.

  4. 3 hours to the ocean driving???? more like 6 or 7. its about the same travel time to acapulco as it is to veracruz, as well as zihuatenejo/ixtapa. tolls.......about the same for acapulco and veracruz, between 500 and 600 pesos. ixtapa being a couple hundred cheaper. if you want to take a scenic route to acapulco you can go through toluca/taxco/iguala to get there. taxco makes a nice stop as its a beautiful little tourist-y town with all buildings painted white and red and the construction is all colonial. the town is known for silver jewelry and it makes a nice little stop to eat some tacos. from there, acapulco is 4 hours. busses are a good way to go as you dont pay tolls and dont have to worry about crazy drivers which there are plenty of in both acapulco and mexico city.  going to ixtapa you go through morelia......another beautiful city well worth the visit. sorry that i cant tell you too much about veracruz, except that the ocean is more beautiful than the gulf. the distance......400 km either way as mexico city is smack dab in the middle. good luck, have fun!

  5. I'm assuming you just want to go to the beach, irrespective of whether it is the Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico or the Caribbean.

    In any case, your best bet is to go to Acapulco. It is about 220 miles from Mexico City and you can either take a bus (US$20 - $60 depending on which class you take) or drive, and you are there within 3 hours. The highway is very safe and it's beautiful... although be ready to pay about 50 dollars in tolls if you choose to drive!!

    If you want to go to the Gulf of Mexico, you would then go to one of the cities in Veracruz state -- probably Veracruz city itself or Coatzacoalcos, which is a bit closer. These are about 250-300 miles from Mexico City, but the beaches are not as nice. However, Veracruz is a fun state and they have a lot of cultural events, festivals... and a lot of things to do (like whitewater rafting and such).

    Finally, if you want to go somewhere in the Caribbean, where some of the best beaches are, you are better off flying as it is more than 600 miles away. Check out the websites of the low-cost airlines like Interjet, Click, Volaris, Aviacsa -- you may be able to find something really cheap out of Mexico City or Toluca airports!

    Enjoy your stay in Mexico!

  6. What ocean are you talking about so many?

  7. Its about 4 to 4 and a half hours by car to Acapulco. 5 to 5 and a half by bus. Little longer by bus as they lose speed going up the mountainous terrain.

    I suggest the bus and Acapulco. They are really nice Greyhound buses but dont sit in the back near the toilet :)

    Kick back with a book or your Ipod and let them drive and pay the tolls !

    Best beach is Playa Diana ( my opnion ) all will know where its at. Marked by a big round water fountain. I like it because of the large rocks that are there and the pitch of the beach is gradual. Rocks are fun to swim along and dive from versus your run of the mill sand only spot. Give some shade too if needed.

    Do your self a favor and spend a day out at Pie de la Cuesta. About 30 , 45 minutes north of town. Really laid back community and the HUGE beach is deserted ! Beach is probably 80 yards wide and goes for as fer as the eye can see. Huge waves !!!  Just quiet and tranquil away from all the vendors and noise in Acapulco. Has a large lagoon there to for jet skiing and water skiing.

    E mail me if you need more info

  8. acapulco is like 4-5 hours away

  9. acapulco is the beach more near of the mexico city, acapulco is in the pacific ocean and it is a very good beach, but cancun and los cabos are the best.

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