
I will get a wireless network router but I have a question on how to use it. Please help!!?

by Guest60046  |  earlier

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So I might get I wireless router today but I was watching youtube videos in how to set them up. I have a laptop and that is the only PC at home I have. On every YouTube Video, they tell you to connect the modem to the router (got that) and the power (got that also) but then it tells you to connect it to the PC (laptop). What is the point in having a W-I-R-E-L-E-S-S router if i Have to keep my router connected with my laptop. Can I ignore this step or what?

Thanks in advance!




  1. Some WIFI routers come with their antenna's turned on, and some don't.  There are other features that need attention, like setting up encryption.  This should be done before the Antenna is turned on.  That is why they are saying to use a cable first.  After you have the router set up you will then be able to remove the cable and use the WIFI signal to connect to the net or to any LAN, (Local Area Network).  

  2. to set the router up initially, it must be connected to the pc.  using this wired connection, you will 'turn on' the wireless feature and set up the security for it.  after that, you will unplug it and you're wireless from that point on, unless you ever need to reset it if its settings get messed up (as in, if you accidentally press the factory reset button - so don't do that!)

  3. You can ignore the step.  However things will not work.

    Complete the lesson.  Never configure a wireless router, upgade its firmware, change its configuration, etc using a wireless link.  Use a wired link to do these things.  Once all this is properly done via wired link then you have a wireless set up.  

    In the future when you need to change the config, add users, upgrade firmware, etc link to the wireless via wired connection to do the change.

    Be sure to invoke all the security your device can provide or you will be a victim of hackers.

  4. you need to plug it into so you can set up the wireless router. once you install the router then you go into it following the directions and set up the wireless connection. make sure you set up security settings on the wireless so no one else can ride your single. Once you set up the wireless and you plug your wireless adapator into your laptop and and have your computer search for a single. the stongest one is the one you want to use. just folllow the install instructions on the router

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