
I will go to the Philippines in January and be married 5-10 days after my arrival. Do I need a visa?

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my understanding is that I don't need a visa to go there. after one marries one receives dual citizenship.




  1. You can stay up to 21 days without a visa.  If you wish to stay longer you should report to the Philippines Bureau of Immigration.  They'll have you fill out a form, submit a couple photos and pay a fee.  Then they'll issue you a 59 day extension.

    If you overstay, and if you don't get the extension, you'll be stopped on your way out of the country and detained by immigration.  You'll miss your flight.  They'll fine you and then deport you.

    Be sure you understand the process for getting married over there and be sure you have all the necessary paperwork with you.

  2. Visa is not needed to stay in the Philippines for a short period of time even to marry as long as your documents are already complete with both of the couple qualified to marry under the Famili Code of the Philippines.

  3. You need to get a 'Legal capacity to get married in Phils'  you don't need visa within 21 days(I'm not sure if its 21 days or less)

  4. please read all information necessary to wedding in the Philippines before going there, the first thing you will need is :

    Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage

    Any foreigner who wishes to marry in the Philippines is required by the Philippine Government to obtain from his/her Embassy a "Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage" before filing an application for a marriage license. This certification affirms that there are no legal impediments to the foreigner marrying a Filipino (i.e, that the foreigner is already married to someone else).

    Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage


    The Marriage Application Process

    Once an American citizen has obtained from the Embassy an Affidavit in Lieu of a Certificate of Legal Capacity to Marry, he/she can file an application for a marriage license at the office of the Philippine Civil Registrar in the town or city where one of the parties is a resident. The license is a requirement for either a civil or church wedding in the Philippines. The U.S. citizen applicant will need to present:

    read all of this at this page:

    read all the left all the services for US citizens that will be useful, so that you will not be cut short, and miss any pertinent information.

    U.S. Citizens planning to enter and visit the Philippines for 21 days or less do not need a visa prior to travel to the Philippines, provided their passport is valid for at least 6 months and they have a valid return ticket. However, in excess of 21 days, U.S. citizens must either apply for a visa at the nearest Philippine Consular Establishments in the US prior to travel or upon arrival in the Philippines at the Bureau of Immigration(BI), Magallanes Drive, Port Area, Intramuros, Manila, (63-2) 527-3257 or 338-4542. Limited services are also available from numerous BI sub-ports in these cities throughout the Philippines.

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