
I will like to travel from england to ireland on a ferry,do i need a passport?

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I will like to travel from england to ireland on a ferry,do i need a passport?




  1. No. I go every few months from Hollyhead and have never been asked for it.

  2. I think you might just need photo id..  I know you do if you go by plane..x

  3. It depends which country's passport you hold.  there is no passport requirement for citizens of the UK and Ireland.  I think EU citizens don't need a passport either, though I'm not 100% sure of this.  If you are from anywhere else, you do need a passport.  The regulations have become much stricter in recent years.  The Schengen agreement doesn't apply for many people and the UK never signed up to it fully, so what was said about it in earlier answers here is wrong.  Because of fears about high levels of immigration with the expansion of the EU, it is much more common than before to be asked to show your passport.  If you come from a country that requires a visa, you need to apply for it in advance.  

    Take your passport to be on the safe side.

  4. Your'll probably need a sick bag rather than passport!!!!! Its pretty rough on the sea.

  5. possibly, it's better to bring it just in case.

    better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.

  6. I went to Dublin at the end of last year and had to show my passport.

  7. for whites, no passport is required.

  8. Hello Camille,

                            You do not need a passport, but it is always wise to have some kind of Photo Identification with you when you travel, that wat you can identify yourself should you be asked for it, especially in a country, that is not your own, or in case of a reason where you would ned to be identified, and let's face it, it really is a common sense thing to do isn't it. Enjoy my country, and take as much of it into your head while you are here, we love to see strangers, who are friends we have yet to meet and you will be most welcome almost everywhere you go, so don;t be afraid to talk to us, we will talk nicely back to you, in English too, Happy Holidays, from Tony M.....

  9. Technically you dont need it if you are from Britain. However, it is advisable to bring it.

  10. No, there is an agreement between the two countries, as part of the Schengenn agreement between many countries in Europe. Border controls between these two countries have been abolished. You should be fine, but bring some form of photo ID, as you never know when you might need it.

  11. forget the passport, use the boat.

  12. Nope

  13. You may not get asked for it, but if you do, you need to be able to show some form of photo ID.

  14. Been over a few times this year and never asked for id... until last week!!! may be that was because I was going to cairnryan??? who knows... best to take some form of id ... photo best... Good luck

  15. no

  16. If you are an english citizen, no; but I would recommend you take some form of photo ID with you if you don't have a passport. My daughter's boyfriend  is naturalized Irish, born in Pakistan; we recently had to "rescue " him from Immigration staff as he came off the Ferry from England at Dublin; he had no ID on him; and his attempts to tell the Immigration guys that he was, in fact, Irish, fell on deaf ears. There was a mad rush to his house to find his passport!

    Best be sure and safe; take it with you.

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