
I will live in england and i'm afraid of the british people?

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i will study english in canterbury, i'm 18 and I have acne and postmarks (marcas de acne).

I'm afraid because i think the people will laugh on me. Are the british good people?




  1. no noone should laugh loads of people suffer from teenage acne even older people suffer from it if your nice you will make loads of friends

  2. I think British people are the same as people anywhere.  Most people are understanding but there is always a few low-lifes who can't help but discriminate...just try to ignore them.

  3. We are, for the most part, open and tolerant, We do have our share of ignorant, intolerant and mindless people. Just like every other country. You will, I'm sure, find yourself very welcome here. I used to live in Canterbury, and it's the most laid back city in the country. you're gonna love it here.

  4. we the English tolerate much

  5. yeh sure

    don't be scared of us :)

    loads of people have acneand theres loads of different races over here

  6. the english are just as ugly!

  7. Well, we have good and bad people. We are no different in that respect to any other country, and if people laugh at stuff like that, then they are very sad individuals and no friends of mine. I hope you enjoy your stay.... You'll be just fine and Canterbury is a nice place.

  8. Depends where you go. Most people are ok, but you get a load of idiots.

  9. You have nothing to worry about.  I am sure that you look perfectly normal.  Believe me, there are some right sights walking the streets of the Uk and nobody bats an eyelid.

  10. yh most british people are ok but if someone were you lives makes it clear they dont like you just stay out there way and theyll leave you alone.

  11. dont worry so much, we are nice, mostly. loads of ppl have acne nobody will bully you or be nasty about it. unless they are really nasty individuals. u will be fine!!! i hope u like england.

  12. were friendly, dont worry :)

  13. Canterbury a great City

    I was born there and Kent is a good County,

  14. I think you mean "pock marks" - post marks are used for cancelling stamps on letters.

    You will be no different from hundreds of other spotty teen age students at college. Just find the right group of friends and have fun.

  15. be yourself

  16. hey im british and we are all human i can promise u british people get acne to lol u wont b the only one with it and not all judge on looks alone so just dont hide away b urself and if some people dont like you thats there problem not yours have fun and good luck in your studying .

  17. hey our country has are share of arseholes but acne is nothing to worry about u should se my cousin i mean the acne on him but no one takes the p**s out of him and we live in one of the most ignorant places in the country well most of the people in my school are not nice but canturbrys great its a very happy city best word i can think of to describe it

  18. Yes, for the most part. You'll be fine.

  19. English people are vey friendly, don't worry,

  20. A lot of very nice people answered your question, so you see, you have nothing to worry about.

  21. Nobody looks perfect, and there are always going to be the odd few who judge you, but mostly people over here are just keen to get to know people.

    We're all right us old British people :)  I'd say look me up but I live miles from Canterbury.

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