
I will not surrender in the Iraq War?

by Guest57102  |  earlier

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Mr.McCain made that statement to the American people.But he surrendered in Vietnam to save his rich boy life.It's easy to say you won't surrender when you are not doing the ground work and sending other peoples kids to fight it.What do you think about that?

I will give best answer to the best argument.I'm open-minded.




  1. That depends on whom you ask. But for the Japanese, being captured alive by the enemy is a disgrace and dishonor for their country.

  2. he didn't surrender he was capturedn theres a differance they were waiting for him on the ground as soon as he crash landed if he was an infantry man and gave up than that would be surrendering but when your shot down and the enmy is waiting for you there no choice.....and btw at least he served in the military stop attacking his service record...

  3. I'm not very fond of John McCain politically, but being shot down, crashing your plane, injuring yourself in the crash and then being dragged out/captured by the Vietnamese is not exactly "surrendering". I assume that you would be so brave as to make an attempt to punch your armed captors while being in severe pain? Didn't think so. What are we arguing? If we're arguing McCain's status in the Vietnam war, then you've lost a long time ago.

    "Captured/surrender you still raise your hands up.It's the same.You give up."

    No, it's not the same.


    I don't believe you and I don't think that a single, mentally functioning person on YA believes you. Because if you were a soldier, you would know the difference. And you would know to do your research before making foolish comments like that.

    "Yes rich kids get to bomb from far away.How brave!!!!!...But it's a necessity i admit."

    What does a persons financial status have to do with what job in the military they get? I know what goes into this from bottom up and they do not look at whether you're a "rich boy" or not when they look at whether you're qualified for the job or not. You should stop posting for your own sake, because you are making yourself look like an idiot in front of every person who reads your question.

  4. you just disrespected alot of military and POW's dude.... get your facts together and dont lie about going to iraq..... nobodies just in iraq for one year and the way you pointed out as a soldier was so fake.... dude you need to grow up... take some political science classes.... being shot down isnt giving up.... I'm prior service 11B and I plan on re-enlisting in the warrant officer program to be a pilot hopefully 152H... those were the real hero's.... the pilots who saved our asses every once in a while... those pilots who come in when the **** gets to hot... your totally not any kind of military buddy... and i dont even like Mccain.... or anybody in politics...and plus... real soldiers dont care bout politics... only what the mission is.... get the facts loser

  5. If you think being shot down and captured by the VC was a surrender then I can think of nothing that would change your mind about him.  He enlisted was not drafted for that war and didn't hide behind being an Admiral's son by taking an early out of the Hanoi Hilton prison rather elected to stay so that others who had been there longer then his five years could be released.  That is integrity unlike Bush who hid behind daddy in the Texas National Guard protecting us from those rampaging Canadians, and unlike Obama who has never served anything or anybody other than himself!  

  6. John McCain didn't surrender in Vietnam.  He was shot down and taken prisoner.  He was held in one of the worst POW camps in Nam.  When given the opportunity to be released he refused when he was told that his fellow soldiers were not going home with him.  He stayed until every one of the P.O.W.'s that were left alive were all released.

    So I would hardly say that he surrendered in Vietnam.  He WAS one of those kids who were sent to do the ground work.  Now I agree that the above situation doesn't make him a master at war strategy, but being on the Senate Armed Services Committee for as many years as he has been as opposed to the <200 DAYS Obama spent on the Senate floor definately gives him the edge in my book.

  7. You don’t have your facts right buddy. He was a naval aviator which no doubt you have not the guts nor the brains to even get close to that position. He carried out 23 missions before he was shot down over North Vietnam.

    He was prisoner of war for 5 years and during those years he was severely tortured. He refused early release, because he did want any special treatment.

  8. Personally, I think his time as a POW left him with a blind spot, unlike people who were actually in combat during those years he was in isolation and wasn't able to observe the political and social ramifications of the continued conflict.  It often seems as if he is trying, by a victory in Iraq, to prove that there could have been a victory in Vietnam.  McCain, being the son of an Admiral, never went through a lot of the trauma that less privileged returning veterans of that war did, so in some ways I do think he is out of touch with what they went through afterward.  Don't forget that his attitude is not fully shared by those of his colleagues in the Legislature who are also Nam vets but weren't prisoners.  

    You should also remember that there is nothing in the Code of Conduct that requires that you not surrender in the event that you are unable to continue fighting or escape.  In that instance you should surrender and then try to escape, suicide accomplishes nothing, which is why correct behavior as a prisoner is also included in training, so having been a POW is not a reflection on his personal courage or honor.

    In time of war the Commander in Chief should stay back from the fighting, that part of his job description, if he gets killed it's more of a loss to the war effort than the loss of front line troops, that's just a fact of war.  That is not to diminish the sacrifices of the lower ranks, I've had to break the news and it's never easy, but in war people get killed, and, as cold blooded as it sounds, priorities have to be set, it's not a matter of the men in supreme command lacking courage.

    When did McCain ever say he or Bush knew anything about strategy?  All he's ever said is that he's better than Obama because he, McCain, was a POW and Obama wasn't, which seems to be enough for most people.  The President doesn't need to be able to wage war, he's got the Pentagon to do that for him, his job is to ensure that we only fight the wars that need fighting, that's why the Commander in Chief is a civilian.

  9. What are you talking about?  When did he surrender?  He stayed longer so that others could go home before he did.  He was tortured.  He did give up some information, but he has made that known.  His own kids are also serving in Iraq (two of his sons).  

    I'm sorry but you don't sound open-minded at all, seeing as you have all of the facts wrong.

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