
I will speak english i'don't no ?

by  |  earlier

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Excusez moi mon pays est bilingue ( français et anglais )mais moi j'habite dans la zone francophone , j'aimerais parler langlais pour celà je viens dans ce site si je peux rencontrer des personnes sympathique qui peuvent m'aider à bien parler l'anglais





  1. I will try to translate for you but as I am English my French may not be 100%

    Excusez moi = Excuse me

    mon pays est bilingue ( français et anglais ) = my region is bilingual (french and english)

    mais moi j'habite dans la zone francophone , = but i live in the french speaking zone

    j'aimerais parler langlais pour celà je viens dans ce site = i would like to speak English which is why I have come on this site

    si je peux rencontrer des personnes sympathique qui peuvent m'aider à bien parler l'anglais = i hope to meet some kind people who will help me to speak English well.

    Bon chance

  2. nice languauge i remmber when i took french take some classes cant translate sorry been to long. i rember we trbein coomo tally vooh merci bo goo

  3. We're friendly enough to help you speak English well; you may want to go on some English-speaking Yahoo groups though, you can get more practice there.

    (I understand enough French to know what you're saying, but I haven't used it in a while and I don't know how to put the accents I responded in English.)

    Bon chance!

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