
I win in game Lotto and how can i get this money? and where place can i go?

by  |  earlier

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hi reply me please




  1. I can only guess that you have received an unsolicited email, stating you have won this (fake) lotto.   If this is the case, then this is a SCAM.  The below links confirm various email scams hitting the internet. There is also an online form for the reporting of such - (with links for your own country.)

    Unscrupulous thieves have sent you this email and they are trying to part you from your hard earned cash. They will often ask you to call a premium rate number and keep you holding on whilst you rack up a huge phone bill. They are then paid a large proportion of this phone bill. They may ask you to divulge personal information about yourself or ask for your bank or credit card details. Do not divulge any such information under any circumstances. It is surprising how many innocent victims have been duped by these types of emails. Please remember the thieves who send them are very clever and extremely convincing. I suggest you delete the email and send it into cyberspace.

    Check out these sites for further information :

  2. You will have to go to your state's lottery office. There should be ab\n address on the back of the ticket.

  3. You not win in game Lotto.  You get fake e-mail.  If you go place to get this money, you not get money at all.  You get scammed.  You lose money and and bad guys win.  You delete e-mail now and not listen to bad people.

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